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Profile - Marital Status

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#1 lv2dive70


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Posted 11 July 2012 - 07:28 PM

So - in one's profile - there are something like four options for marital status - all having to do with being buddyless.

What happens when one has been around for a while and may no longer be buddyless? Or who may be new and not completely buddyless? Or any other number of cases where "buddyless" may be too strong of a strong term?

For example, even Kamala - our fearless leader - doesn't really fit any of these categories anymore, at least not all the time. Some people may now have one (or more) regular dive buddy with whom they often dive/travel but are interested in SD as they have established relationships here? Or there are some site members who have actually met on SD trips and are now together? There are no options like: "Not buddyless, but friend of SD" or "Sometimes Buddyless" or "Other." Is there a possibility to add more choices?

AND - can we get into the 21st century and talk about relationship status instead of marital status LOL. Just noticed it was MARITAL status.

Edited by Kate P, 11 July 2012 - 07:30 PM.

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#2 WreckWench


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 06:29 AM

Well we can ALWAYS use an updating...but the trick is how?

Current Options:

Married but Buddyless?
Spoken For but Buddyless?
Separated but still Married and Buddyless?

Possible Tweaks:

Married but Buddyless at times?
Spoken For but Buddyless occasionally?
Separated but still Married and Buddyless sometimes?

Perhaps as you suggest the "at times" or "occasionally" or "sometimes" adverb would alleviate the confusion you mention? As for add'l categories...not sure we need a friend of SD since you would almost automatically fall into one of the categories above if we added the proper adverb to the description. The only exception is Married & Want Sleep Together Discounts which covers our married couples on the site who just want to dive with the group. We have so few we've never really worried about it.

The category "Spoken For" covers a lot of relationships... it covers casual relationships and serious ones...it covers 'partners' and basically any relationship in your life without having to try to list every possible relationship option. The other categories have definitive definitions and many of our members need these strong definitions to ensure no confusion regarding their marital status. They also help keep things from being vague as well as wordy.

So what do others think? Our our categories outdated? Too inaccurate? I am ALWAYS open for suggestions...but not exactly sure how to best act upon this one without add'l input. Good topic...hopefully we'll get some good discussion one way or the other! :thankyou:

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#3 Landlocked Dive Nut

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 06:46 AM

Since we're not a dating site and you try to downplay the "single" part of SingleDivers.com, I don't even know why you want to know our marital status.
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#4 Starfish Sandy

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Posted 12 July 2012 - 06:59 AM

I like married but buddyless at times

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#5 WreckWench


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 07:08 AM

Thanks Sandy...that may solve the problem.

Tammy while we are NOT a dating site our married members like that they can clearly state they are married and ensure no one is confused or thinks they are trolling a single's site. In this case full disclosure is appropriate and does prevent misunderstandings...hence the categories.

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Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#6 Racer184


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:43 AM

I start the S.D.I. Solo Diver class next week......

How about a choice for Certified Solo Diver ???


No, I am NOT serious.

#7 lv2dive70


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 05:38 PM

I guess in my case - what is throwing me off is that I don't consider myself buddyless. I still want to dive with singledivers sometimes, but I just don't fall in any of those categories, exactly,,, I imagine that I am not the norm but I also can imagine that I am not the only exception, either.
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#8 Greg@ihpil


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 07:01 PM

Kate . As you have stated ,"You don't need a buddy"How about Independent & no requirement for a Buddy// :respect:

Kamala,As for the option's.As Tammy has mentioned the Status issue is a issue that is sensative or down played.However, I would think that asking what ones status is not out of the realm of just being honest.You also mention some members I guess have pre selected Buddies on trips. I thought that was all figured out at the destination.As for me I'm fine with the current selection..Just my .01 ...

Edited by Greg@ihpil, 12 July 2012 - 07:11 PM.

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#9 Sharklover


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 08:08 PM

I guess I think that the current categories are just fine. Either that or I just have bigger things to worry about right now.

I guess the buddyless part is not necessary. None of us here are buddyless, we just like networking with divers who want to travel. I have lots of buddies, especially here at home. But I have room for more, especially those who can travel freely and frequently, so SD is a good place to network. And personally, I really love that those of us who like single rooms can find some trips here that make that viable.

As for status, I do like to know the marital status of a potential dive buddy and want them to know mine. This isn't Facebook, I don't need to dig into the details of someone's personal life, nor do I intend to offer up a lot of detail about mine, but reasonable disclosure of someone's status allows the right tone to be set up front and avoids drama.

Might be a good idea to let those who wish to opt out of any category if they so wish to.
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#10 ScubaSis


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Posted 12 July 2012 - 11:07 PM

I'm thinking on the lines of just leave buddy less out of it. Keep it like it is, but leave off such a long description....if you want a change. We all come to SD to look for trips. If we have a buddy we want to dive with we make it known. But the way it is matches with the purpose of SD. Makes no matter to me. It just looks long now that it's been brought to my attention. :-)
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#11 lv2dive70


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:52 AM

I guess I think that the current categories are just fine. Either that or I just have bigger things to worry about right now.

I guess the buddyless part is not necessary. None of us here are buddyless, we just like networking with divers who want to travel. I have lots of buddies, especially here at home. But I have room for more, especially those who can travel freely and frequently, so SD is a good place to network. And personally, I really love that those of us who like single rooms can find some trips here that make that viable.

As for status, I do like to know the marital status of a potential dive buddy and want them to know mine. This isn't Facebook, I don't need to dig into the details of someone's personal life, nor do I intend to offer up a lot of detail about mine, but reasonable disclosure of someone's status allows the right tone to be set up front and avoids drama.

Might be a good idea to let those who wish to opt out of any category if they so wish to.

LOL I wouldn't go so far as to say I was worrying about it... but I was online posting about something and noticed I needed to update my highest cert level. When I went into my profile, I saw the "Marital Status" field and realized I needed to update that, but nothing was appropriate. I would rather opt out but I couldn't. Really, I'd prefer not to answer the question - even on FB I don't have my relationship status posted. I'd rather have an "Other/Prefer not to Answer" option ideally.

No big deal either way. Just something I noticed and thought worthy of some discussion.
How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean. -- Arthur C. Clarke

#12 Mermaid Lady

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 06:35 AM

I guess I think that the current categories are just fine. Either that or I just have bigger things to worry about right now.

I guess the buddyless part is not necessary. None of us here are buddyless, we just like networking with divers who want to travel. I have lots of buddies, especially here at home. But I have room for more, especially those who can travel freely and frequently, so SD is a good place to network. And personally, I really love that those of us who like single rooms can find some trips here that make that viable.

As for status, I do like to know the marital status of a potential dive buddy and want them to know mine. This isn't Facebook, I don't need to dig into the details of someone's personal life, nor do I intend to offer up a lot of detail about mine, but reasonable disclosure of someone's status allows the right tone to be set up front and avoids drama.

Might be a good idea to let those who wish to opt out of any category if they so wish to.

What Leslie said!
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#13 Mermaid Lady

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Posted 13 July 2012 - 09:56 AM

AND - can we get into the 21st century and talk about relationship status instead of marital status LOL. Just noticed it was MARITAL status.

In that case, then, I vote to have "It's complicated" listed as an option... LOL
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#14 Sharklover


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 04:05 PM

In that case, then, I vote to have "It's complicated" listed as an option... LOL

True that.
At least complicated came with flowers and coffee today. :wakawaka:
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#15 ThatJoeGuy


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Posted 13 July 2012 - 05:28 PM

Simplest solution is to split marital and buddy status.

Buddy options could be:
Buddyless when traveling
All my budies are on SD
Got a buddy but still like traveling with SD.

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