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My Rant For The Day...

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#1 shadragon


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Posted 29 October 2008 - 07:52 PM

Just saw a news article that shows Princes William and Harry going to the new Bond film premiere in London tonight. OK, that isn't the problem, more power to them. However, I look and see the film gets released in the UK on Friday, and in the US on 14 Nov. So I look to the right of the article and see a "Review: Quantum of Solace" link :teeth:

This has bothered me for a long time. The film companies give advance screenings to professional reviewers weeks before the release date so they have time to write (usually negative) articles. They get free entry, free Quizno's toasted sandwiches (or whatever they want in lieu) and alcoholic drink of choice before watching the film in Lay-z-boy recliners while getting foot-rubs by small Philippine women in a private theatre. Meanwhile we wait in rain soaked queues paying $12.50 for a ticket and don't even think of paying concession prices for a chocolate bar without taking out a second mortgage.

I for one feel that reviews should not be published until at least a week after opening so that those of us who do get in to see it in the first week can make up our own minds. Very much like polls before an election.

So what rubs you the wrong way?

Remember, email is an inefficient communications forum. You may not read things the way it was intended. Give people the benefit of the doubt before firing back... Especially if it is ME...! ;)

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#2 scubaski


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Posted 29 October 2008 - 08:21 PM

Waiting in the Que line trying to exit from wharehouse stores like Coctco & BJ's or Sam's Club, where usually I have 4 or 5 slow pokes using thier carts as walkers in front of me. I usually do the social incorrect and crash the line. Another that pissed me off was getting in the wrong line at the bank to cash my paycheck, always having the person in front of you that wants to make a X-mas fund payment, prepay car loan or needs 5 new twentys for the grandkids present. Thank fully most local banks adopted the California line, ATM's and online banking. OK the banking one goes back to pre direct deposit and internet but Warehouse stores are still a pain. :teeth:

#3 Cold_H2O


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Posted 29 October 2008 - 08:29 PM

Shagdagon ~ I probably shouldn't share but....
that the high school kid working at Hollywood Video/BlockBuster have been watching your "Tuesday New Release" since the past Thursday or Friday. :cool1:

Don't have a rant for today.. All in all it was a pretty :teeth: day.
Got invited to lunch with the group from the County.. had great pasta...

Tune in tomorrow.. might have a rant to share then.
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#4 KeithT4U


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 08:43 AM

Oh where to begin..... I think my biggest rant would be the the ability of people to blindly follow politicians and the lies they tell. Every one knows that politicians lie but when one says something they want to hear that becomes the greatest politician ever. Biggest case in point would be all the politicians talking about balanced budgets. Nobody has a balaced budget, not personally and not profesionally so how come we expect or government to have one? As we enter into the deeepest recession in 50 years it is time to understand that govenment needs to spend money now on public works projects they have been puting off and keep money flowing in the economy and pay the bills later when the economy takes back off. I hope this doesn't violate policy but damn I am tired of stupid politicians and the sheep that blindly foloow them.

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#5 Racer184


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 08:44 AM

I'll tell you what I want to rant about !

It's that I have nothing to complain about ! :teeth:

Woooohooooo !!!!!

In Boca Raton is a theatre called "The Premier" which is $16 a ticket......


  • No one under 21
  • The seats are about 4 feet wide
  • the aisles (between you and the row in front of you) are so wide you don't have to move your feet when someone needs to get by, and you could not kick the seat in front of you unless you got up and took a couple steps.
  • The seats are very comfortable and higher than the top of my head
  • The place is very clean
  • Very quiet
  • you get free popcorn
  • Price includes valet parking if you like
  • They sell wine at the concession stand
  • The screen is huge
  • and I am drooling waiting for the Bond film to be shown there !

#6 Parrotman


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 06:11 PM

Beyond a doubt it is obnoxious customers.. Who ever came up with the saying "the customer is always right" should go to retail h*ll and have to wait on obnoxious customers for eternity.

I have been in retail for 27 years and it never ceases to amaze me how nasty and mean people can be when they are shopping. I read articles all the time where people are complaining about the service they got at a certain store. Well get a clue people, if your getting rotten service it is either because your a jerk or because that poor clerk has been putting up with obnoxious customers all day.

And the very worst of the worst are the soccer moms with their out of control screaming snot nosed little kids :teeth: that tear the store apart while Mom is totally oblivious... :evilgrin:

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#7 Parrotman


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 06:13 PM

I'll tell you what I want to rant about !

It's that I have nothing to complain about ! :evilgrin:

Woooohooooo !!!!!

In Boca Raton is a theatre called "The Premier" which is $16 a ticket......


  • No one under 21
  • The seats are about 4 feet wide
  • the aisles (between you and the row in front of you) are so wide you don't have to move your feet when someone needs to get by, and you could not kick the seat in front of you unless you got up and took a couple steps.
  • The seats are very comfortable and higher than the top of my head
  • The place is very clean
  • Very quiet
  • you get free popcorn
  • Price includes valet parking if you like
  • They sell wine at the concession stand
  • The screen is huge
  • and I am drooling waiting for the Bond film to be shown there !

You lucky dog! Here were I live we pay almost that for a small uncomfortable seat with a small screen, screaming kids and popcorn that costs $6 a bucket :teeth:
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#8 Bubbles


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Posted 30 October 2008 - 07:15 PM

I really got peeved tonight while out walking my dog over the people who do not pick up the poop after their dog goes to the bathroom. :evilgrin:
In my neighborhood there are several common areas where you can take your dogs to relieve themselves. Each of these areas have "poop stations" with little baggies you are supposed to use to pick up the poop, and then a receptacle for throwing it away. About 90% of the people comply, but there are some people who will just walk away after their dog is finished. The really frustrating part is they will watch you picking up after your own dog, but they still don't have a clue.

I know this is nothing big in the whole scheme of things going on in the world, but I really enjoyed having the opportunity to rant!!!
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#9 mantarraya


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Posted 31 October 2008 - 09:28 AM

I am particularly peeved lately by all the forwarded hate-filled slanderous emails that I have been getting as of late regarding our political candidates. I don't like getting these types of emails from either side of the debate. It especially irks me when people I know who fully know where my political leanings lie send these, but just as bad when who don't know just assume that I might agree with or even be interested in reading such bunk.

Edited by mantarraya, 31 October 2008 - 09:29 AM.

Back after a long absence - whew, too busy at work!

#10 Racer184


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Posted 31 October 2008 - 10:26 AM

...I don't like getting these types of emails from either side of the debate...

Same here.... I politely send ONE email asking them to not send that stuff to me.
If I get another one, I block them and all of their email is bounced back.

They get the message.

This is extremely important when I catch people sending stuff like that to my work address. I have a seperate computer and a seperate email address to which they can send their 3rd grade humour (for me to delete).

What amazes me is some people send that stuff from their employers email address/computer/network. Some of these emails are extremely disgusting; the sender thinks it is funny. I guess they don't realize they could lose their job over some of those emails.

#11 ScubaSis


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Posted 31 October 2008 - 12:46 PM

There are some people I will not send mail to from work just for this reason. They send too much stuff to my home that at work could get me in trouble. One of them is my own sister!!!! :wub: I have told her not to send too much stuff, but she still gets carried away sometimes. So I don't let her have my address at work.

I still LOVE her though!!!!! :lmao:
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#12 SeaSeeker


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Posted 31 October 2008 - 02:18 PM

I really got peeved tonight while out walking my dog over the people who do not pick up the poop after their dog goes to the bathroom. :wub:
In my neighborhood there are several common areas where you can take your dogs to relieve themselves. Each of these areas have "poop stations" with little baggies you are supposed to use to pick up the poop, and then a receptacle for throwing it away. About 90% of the people comply, but there are some people who will just walk away after their dog is finished. The really frustrating part is they will watch you picking up after your own dog, but they still don't have a clue.

I know this is nothing big in the whole scheme of things going on in the world, but I really enjoyed having the opportunity to rant!!!

OMG! I am so with you on the pooper-scooping.
I LOVE dogs, but I HATE irresponsible owners.

Yesterday, one of my rude neighbors let their dog poop on my front lawn :lmao: and I unsuspectingly walked toward my car and stepped in it! UUUGGGHHH!!!!

Made me very grumpy and then I had to pick it up and trash it.

Thanks for the rant!! LOL

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#13 techintime


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 04:25 PM

Here are a few things that chap my hide:
1. When driving down a multi-lane highway and coming upon a lane closer advisory in traffic, most of the people merge into the one remaining lane in a timely manner, but there are always a few rude individuals that decide to run down the closing lane to the absolute end and then but in. In essence they cut ahead of those of us that merged in the natural order.
2. Healthy people who use handicapped parking spots on someone elses' handicapped sticker. My Grandmother who died at 92 never considered herself handicapped even when she got to the point of no longer being able to walk very far. She always parked in the normal spots.
3. Dallas Cowboy fans. The lowest form of life, somewhere on the food chain below plankton. PS: I'll wear body armor to the next DFW Happy hour.

#14 Guest_PlatypusMan_*

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 07:23 AM

People who do not RTFM.

In the last week alone, I have had items come in with Service Requests that state the thing doesn't do 'X' (on RARE occasions with a BIT more detail than that). 'X' is something the product is supposed to do.

I check it out. It DOES do 'X'--and diagnostics tell me that the circuitry is in dandy shape, too.

The difference? I RTFM.....and they obviously didn't, or a Service Request wouldn't have been generated in the first place. :birthday:

They get a copy of the Quick Reference, with the appropriate section highlighted for their attention.

From my previous life:

People who are convinced they know more about my industry than I do...and are more than happy to tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about.

..after 30 years in it.

..with five certificates hanging on the wall (three of them international in scope) that give me recognition to work anywhere in the world in that industry.

These people were quickly placed in my ID-10-T mental file...and erased. :iluvu:

Edited by PlatypusMan, 04 November 2008 - 07:25 AM.

#15 Guest_PlatypusMan_*

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 07:27 AM

I really got peeved tonight while out walking my dog over the people who do not pick up the poop after their dog goes to the bathroom. :birthday:

Don't they get peeved with you walking your dog over them?


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