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  • You will NOT be able to book a trip, buy add-ons, or manage your trip by logging in here. Please login HERE to do any of those things.



Safety in General & Travel Issues when meeting people from the internet, dive trips or ANYTIME!

Share tips about staying safe in general and when meeting people for the first time both diving and dry! Afterall...its all about being safe! Also share any travel tips you have...getting there is half the battle! Please post YOUR suggestions here!

  • 81 topics
  • 950 replies
HURRICANE SAFETY & PREP... - last post by WreckWench

Topics Related to being SINGLE!

Want to discuss meeting other single divers? How about travel related issues pertaining to singles? Or relationship issues? Any topic specifically related to singles or married can be discussed in this forum.

  • 327 topics
  • 15,190 replies
"When are you going to... - last post by WreckWench


This forum is for our 'Married but Buddyless' Divers & 'Spoken For but Buddyless' divers! So what is it like being in a 'sea' of singles? Is it easier for you to find a buddy? How do you deal with your non-diving SO? Got ideas for getting the SO into the sport? And the non-marrieds just thought it was hard right? LOL!

  • 40 topics
  • 561 replies
Looking for Dive Buddy in N... - last post by dive_sail_etc

Single or Buddyless PARENTS with KIDS

This is for all our single and buddyless divers with kids. Got questions for other parents? Want to find others in the same boat so to speak? Trying to get your kids into diving? Then you've found the right place!

  • 21 topics
  • 266 replies
How do Singles with Kids ge... - last post by Lloyd Christmas

Non-Diving Related Topics

  1. Jokes and Funnies,
  2. The Birthday Club,
  3. Games, Trivia Contests, Music, Challenges & FUN!,
  4. Let's have some Holiday Fun!,
  5. Cocktails

Although this is a diving board for singles...people like to discuss non-diving related topics. Please post them here. This is also the place for Jokes as well and other funnies you want to share!

  • 11,511 topics
  • 53,237 replies
Happy Birthday to DiverDoll... - last post by little mermaid

News Bites

Want to share an interesting story? Share it here.

  • 462 topics
  • 3,228 replies
"Dr Bill" has died - last post by WreckWench