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Not now, I have a headache

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#1 No Pressure

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Posted 20 May 2004 - 10:45 PM

Since we have covered many of the "big" medical topics in diving already, here is one for thought. If someone has migraine headaches on a fairly regular basis (e.g. 1-2 per month), should they scuba dive? Just like the asthma question, would you be OK as their dive buddy? What would you do if they got back onto the dive boat and developed a headache? Not allowed to say "I'd not get involved and just tell them to go to the chamber and let the dive doc sort it out".
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#2 scubahoney


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Posted 20 May 2004 - 10:51 PM

Hey, NP, I don't have migraines, but I do get severe headaches at least a few times a week...(unaffected by OTC meds)...does that count? They never bother me when I dive though. I wouldn't think much of it to dive with someone who has migraines. i think the biggest concern would be whether they are on meds and if those would affect their diving abilites.
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#3 Laura


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Posted 21 May 2004 - 09:37 AM

What's up Doc?

I'd have to say a lot depends on the severity. If someone has full-blown migraines, complete with nausea and sensitivity to light, seems like it would not be safe (nor enjoyable!) for them to dive. The bright sunshine would be so uncomfortable for them, and getting sick underwater could be a choking hazard. Not to mention there could be other potential migraine triggers - for example strong odors such as diesel fumes, the stench from the head, smelly wetsuits, wet shoes, etc...

OTOH, if the person were keenly aware of their personal triggers, and was succesfully managing their headaches with medication, biofeedback, etc. than they probably could dive succesfully. Whoever decides to dive with them MUST be aware that the diver may more likey to call the dive, and the buddy must honor this request, without giving them stress (another migraine trigger, btw).

I used to get migraines when I was younger, but I discovered my triggers were food additives (MSG and nitrates) Thank God, I have not had any for a long time.

I also used to get TMJ pain and headaches after diving, but then I got one of those "Sea Cure" custom-fitted mouthpieces, and that helped a lot. My dentist even custom fitted it for me, to make sure I got it right.

Great topic, doc!
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#4 sea nmf

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Posted 21 May 2004 - 11:20 AM

If someone has a migrane, they won't be diving. The question is whether or not they should dive, knowing they could get a migrane, and if you know they are suseptible, would you dive with them? At least that is how I read the question.

I don't know that much about it. I've only had a migrane once or twice and it was really bad. However, in my case, and a few other people's, it doesn't come on full blown immediately. It seems that if you "felt" one coming on during a dive, you could abort and surface before the worst symptoms hit. Bummer for your dive buddy but as a dive buddy, I'd be happy to do that (you can call a dive at any time for any reason . . . .)

Anyway, maybe some other folks with migrane experience can correct the onset facts if they don't agree with the above.

From what I know, a migrane (in and of itself) is not life threatening. I believe you could make it back to the relative calm of your car or your home.

Personally, I would dive with a history of migranes based on my logic above. I would also buddy with one.

#5 Laura


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Posted 21 May 2004 - 12:15 PM


Perhaps I should have chosen my words differently - when I said "if someone has migraines", what I meant was "if they have a tendency to GET migraines". I guess that wasn't quite so clear....oops!

I'm pretty sure they would not dive once they were in the middle of an attack - although who knows, cold water could act as a vasoconstricter and bring some relief ...?

Thanks for posting.
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