Diving and HealthAsk your diving and health related questions here. We invite all members to respond and discuss these important issues in this forum. We also invite any healthcare professionals who might wish to reply to do so. disclaimer: "Any information posted is for discussion purposes only and is not meant as specific medical advice for any individual." |
Nutrition, Diet, & Exercise GalleryQuestions or concerns about general diet and health related issues? Need a goal, encouragment, help with a plan? Want some help on specific diet and training...ask and someone will help. If you know of a nice low fat recipe, ante up so we can all benefit. YUM! |
SD's Nutritional Clients User & Support Group!This is a user group for SD's nutritional program..."Dive Deeper Into Nutrition...Just Add H20"! You'll find support here as well as ideas, encouragement and help with specific concerns or questions. It is not open to the general board...only those participating in SD's nutritional program. (Contact WW for more info if you are interested in learning how to be a healtheir diver.) Thanks for helping each other become healthier and happier and better divers! |
Daily Inspiration & Food For Thought...Daily inspiration and mental food for thought are vital to our health. This forum will provide this vital aspect to our lives. ENJOY and be HEALTHY & HAPPY! |