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Membership Rewards

Membership REALLY does have rewards at SingleDivers.com!
So check here for ALL the great ways to save money, get freebies, and benefit because you belong to SingleDivers.com!

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Where are those dang Mods, Admins and Staff folks?

From time to time, WW and all the wonderful SingleDivers.com Volunteers and Staff will be dealing with their lives (yes, that means diving, we know they don't really have lives. SSSHHH, humor them.) They'll post their status here so you won't wonder too much about them! :) AND you'll know if they are gone so you'll also know how long before they return!

  • 153 topics
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What? No Diving?!? - last post by Diver Ed

Member Status...Good & Bad Including Emergencies

Good & Bad...that sums up Life. Please share both here! And for those time when our members are involved in an emergency such as a hurricane or other natural disaster, you'll find updates here on our members in time of crisis or need!

  • 210 topics
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Adopted member and beloved... - last post by WreckWench

Comments & Concerns Resolution Forum

This is our new "Comments & Concerns' Complaint & Feedback resolution forum. Please send Concerns, Comments, Suggestions and Feedback via pm to comments&concerns or via email to commentsandconcerns@singledivers.com. Any concerns/feedback posted in the open forums will be removed and will then be posted here in this private forum until resolved. - SD Staff
Note: This forum can only be seen by the review committee comprised of admins/mods/sd staff.

  • 39 topics
  • 620 replies
  • Protected Forum
  • By WreckWench