Explorer Ventues Liveaboards
Explorer Ventures Liveaboards travel the Caribbean and Galapagos including Turks and Caicos, Saba, St Kitt, St Marteen and St Estacha along with various routes in the Bahamas. The same peice of ocean for less money is what you'll get by traveling the diving seas with EV. www.ExplorerVentures.com AND BOOK VIA SINGLEDIVERS.COM and SAVE $$$ on EVERY Booking! Let us save you MONEY!
Single page
Night Diving in Galapagos...Started by WreckWench , 18 Sep 2013 |
Another EV 25th Anniversay SpecialStarted by WreckWench , 21 May 2012 |
EV's 25th Anniversary Specials....Started by WreckWench , 21 May 2012 |
EV's Crazy Insane Deal...Started by WreckWench , 12 Apr 2011 |
EV's 5-5-5 Loyalty Program!Started by WreckWench , 25 Oct 2010 |
WOW!!! A few good guys still left...Started by WreckWench , 17 May 2010 |
Live Aboard divesStarted by diveguy101 , 08 Jan 2010 |
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