Hi Ed!
Thanks for the information! I have done the NC wreck dives as well and I LOVE that trip! I'm still trying to get on the Cooper River trip one of these days, but it seems like I'm always busy around that time... hopefully soon though. Yes, that would be great if you want to send some pictures after your upcoming trips, as I am constantly creating new video clips to share with the world and I even create multiple videos for the same song, since it is likely that different people will share the video with their friends if they are in it. Like I said, it's really all about helping promote SD and that is a never-ending process, so sure, send whatever you get when you get it. Keep in mind, these don't have to be any kind of fancy or posed photos, just fellow SD-ers having a great time works perfect!

WANTED: Pictures/Videos from SD.com trips
Started by
, Sep 22 2010 08:06 PM
16 replies to this topic
Posted 26 January 2011 - 03:16 PM

Buy the special SingleDivers.com version of my SCUBA MUSIC CD "Just A Scuba Cowboy" here for only $15 with savings on multiple copies... each one is personally autographed and it's the perfect gift for divers and non-divers alike!
Posted 21 March 2011 - 12:01 PM
Okay, now that the first SD.com video is out, I'm going to renew this thread as well, because I really want you all to continue to send any photos/videos that you wouldn't mind sharing on the web. I will be making multiple versions of the SingleDivers.com video almost continually, revamping the song as well once in a while, so please continue your artistic contributions. Feel free to e-mail me at Pup@PupMorse.com if you need instructions on how to get them to me.
ALSO, I will be making videos for every single Scubaribbean song that I have so far on both the "Just A Scuba Cowboy" and "Wet Dreams" albums, so if any of your pictures/videos fit the themes in any of the songs, I may very well use them in those videos as well, assuming I have your permission to do so. I am happy to give photo/video credits on the videos and I will never use anything for commercial purposes without first obtaining your consent. I will also give SingleDivers.com credit on any materials used from SD divers, which helps us spread the word about SD even more.
Just for your reference here is a list of song titles on the album and a rough idea of what I want the videos to portray. You can listen to the lyrics as well and get a great idea of what might fit.
ALBUM: Just A Scuba Cowboy
1. "Headin' to Belize" - anything fun or beautiful about Belize
2. "Ocean of Love" - anything ocean or love
3. "In Bonaire" - anything Bonaire or love
4. "Just A Scuba Cowboy" - anything scuba, island, Pup or cowboy
5. "Yer' My Chum" - anything scuba or seasick
6. "Scubadubadoo" - anything scuba or love
7. "Coral" - anything scuba or love
8. "Buddy Breathin'" - anything scuba, love or Pup
9. "Scuba Mistress" - anything scuba or ocean
10. "She Makes Me Dream" - anything island or love
11. "All Dah' Best" - anything fun or friends related
12. "SingleDivers.com" - anything about SD
ALBUM: Wet Dreams
1. "Wetter is Better" - anything wet and fun
2. "Dive" - anything female and scuba
3. "Marc the PermaNarc" - anything fun, party or scuba
4. "Diver Down" - anything scuba
5. "Grenada" - anything fun or beautiful about Grenada
6. "Wet Dreams" - anything scuba or dreamy
7. "Scuba Punk" - anything female and scuba
8. "The Liver Song" - anything fun, party, bar, alcohol related
9. "Mr. Shark" - anything shark
10. "Sister Ocean" - anything ocean, eco-friendly
As always, thanks for the incredible support and let's make some bubbles baby!
ALSO, I will be making videos for every single Scubaribbean song that I have so far on both the "Just A Scuba Cowboy" and "Wet Dreams" albums, so if any of your pictures/videos fit the themes in any of the songs, I may very well use them in those videos as well, assuming I have your permission to do so. I am happy to give photo/video credits on the videos and I will never use anything for commercial purposes without first obtaining your consent. I will also give SingleDivers.com credit on any materials used from SD divers, which helps us spread the word about SD even more.
Just for your reference here is a list of song titles on the album and a rough idea of what I want the videos to portray. You can listen to the lyrics as well and get a great idea of what might fit.
ALBUM: Just A Scuba Cowboy
1. "Headin' to Belize" - anything fun or beautiful about Belize
2. "Ocean of Love" - anything ocean or love
3. "In Bonaire" - anything Bonaire or love
4. "Just A Scuba Cowboy" - anything scuba, island, Pup or cowboy
5. "Yer' My Chum" - anything scuba or seasick
6. "Scubadubadoo" - anything scuba or love
7. "Coral" - anything scuba or love
8. "Buddy Breathin'" - anything scuba, love or Pup
9. "Scuba Mistress" - anything scuba or ocean
10. "She Makes Me Dream" - anything island or love
11. "All Dah' Best" - anything fun or friends related
12. "SingleDivers.com" - anything about SD
ALBUM: Wet Dreams
1. "Wetter is Better" - anything wet and fun
2. "Dive" - anything female and scuba
3. "Marc the PermaNarc" - anything fun, party or scuba
4. "Diver Down" - anything scuba
5. "Grenada" - anything fun or beautiful about Grenada
6. "Wet Dreams" - anything scuba or dreamy
7. "Scuba Punk" - anything female and scuba
8. "The Liver Song" - anything fun, party, bar, alcohol related
9. "Mr. Shark" - anything shark
10. "Sister Ocean" - anything ocean, eco-friendly
As always, thanks for the incredible support and let's make some bubbles baby!

Buy the special SingleDivers.com version of my SCUBA MUSIC CD "Just A Scuba Cowboy" here for only $15 with savings on multiple copies... each one is personally autographed and it's the perfect gift for divers and non-divers alike!
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