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Any trips geared to freediving (or simply freedive freindly)?

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#1 Mermaid Lady

Mermaid Lady

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  • Location:Houston, Tx
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  • Board Status:Looking for freedive-friendly trips
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  • Logged Dives:~180

Posted 25 November 2017 - 11:01 AM

Hello all,

As many of you know, I have had difficulty in recent years scuba diving due to extreme anxiety. Whenever i get a significant distance from the boat or shore I get a surge of anxiety and rapid heartbeat. I know in my head that I am not in any real danger, buI have usually aborted dives at that point due to fear of panicking (which *would* be real danger). So drift diving, night diving and the like are right out for the foreseeable future.

However, I can still freedive and am still quite comfy tooling around without a tank at 35-45' depth. (go figure)  I can even venture a good bit of distance from an anchored boat, since I can always return quickly with a few swift kicks of my long fins.

I am not sure if I will ever get my scuba mojo back, but I don't want to be away from the water either. Does anyone know of destinations or dive outfits that cater to freedivers?

Thanks for any and all info!!!

Edited by Mermaid Lady, 25 November 2017 - 11:01 AM.

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#2 dive_sail_etc


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Posted 25 November 2017 - 03:32 PM

As you know Teresa aka Mermaid Lady (aka Dr. Tee) :) many dive destinations allow freedivers to participate when part of a group of divers, ocean currents and surface conditions allowing. With that said, other than actual freedive competitions for depth, endurance etc. I am not aware of an operator that caters exclusively to freedivers (in my admittedly limited experience). Hopefully others will chime in with more promising information. Again, I would expect places particularly in the Caribbean to allow freedivers to tag along particularly if part of a diver group like, oh I don't know, SingleDivers.com? :teeth:


I will add I remain a fan of your early freediver exploits; it would be a real treat for me, should we find ourselves in the same body of water at the same time, to video you demonstrating skills and technique to share with others. (Unlike Ed Papp I do not coach or direct, simply follow and chronicle...) :cool: Good luck with your research!

Brad, the Fledgling Journeyman Master Hedonist
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