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7 replies to this topic

#1 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

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  • Location:FL SC & Dallas, TX
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Posted 26 March 2004 - 01:33 PM

Guidelines and Rules for posting to the SingleDivers.com Community and Forums:

also note...
1. Membership Rules & Guidelines Info click here!
2. SingleDivers.com FAQ's Rules & Guidelines click here!

1. General Respect:

SingleDivers.com is a place for all members to have fun! we'll all have fun because we are about meeting other singles and diving. This is a place to learn about each other. This is a place to learn about new and exciting places to dive. This is a place to learn more about diving. This is a place to express yourself. We strongly believe in the free exchange of ideas. Keep in mind; you need to express those ideas in a way that does not personally attack another member nor the community nor the entity of SingleDivers.com. We want everyone to have fun but respectful posts, both you and those with whom you disagree. Be courteous to your fellow members. Flaming is never acceptable. The best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them or use the report post button which goes directly to the Administrators or pm a moderator.


2. Respect to Members of the Opposite Sex:


SingleDivers.com is NOT a dating site. Our Hookups are to Tanks!  However our name is confusing because in the old days, 'single' meant no buddy and was not referring to your marital status. So to protect our member both males and females we ask that you do not solicit 'pictures of members in bathing suits' or other requests that could be taken as 'inappropriate'. Please do not PM/directly communicate or otherwise pursue unknown members unless the member invites you to do so. We ask that you do not post 'dating profile' style posts or make posts that request an opposite gender dive buddy desired for romantic reasons because other members will remind you that 'we are not a dating site'.  (Please understand that what happens between two consenting adults on a trip is your business and will remain that way.)  We simply ask that your posts afford as much respect to members of the opposite sex so as to not give the club the impression of being a 'dating or hookup site'.  Many of our members are married but their spouse does not dive. When that spouse sees 'dating style posts' they worry we ARE a dating site vs a buddy site.


3. Account Security:

You are responsible for the security of you account. You have a password; use it to secure your account. If another person posts with your account, you get all credit and all blame for everything posted. Everyone should post only from his or her own account. If your account is used by another person we may ask both you and that person to leave our community.

4. All Volunteer Organization and Role of Moderators & Administrators:

SingleDivers.com is and all volunteer organization and is operated through the use of volunteer moderators and administrators. By posting in this forum, you are expressly giving SingleDivers.com permission to publish, edit, move or delete your posts, messages, signature lines, profiles, photos, without notice when deemed necessary, by these moderators and administrators. All moderators and administrators can moderate all sections of the forum. We reserve the right to edit, move, hide, or delete your posts, messages, signature lines, profiles, photos, etc without notice.

5. Please keep topics on topic as much as possible:

We understand that in the normal course of conversation, topics will wander. This is normal and expected. On the other hand, we also like to keep discussions on topic. This is a conflict not easily resolved. We ask our members to stay on topic when possible. When discussions get off topic, we may split a thread to put the original thread back on topic. We ask your patience and assistance in keeping threads on topic. When one thread starts to wander to a different topic, please start a new thread to discuss the new topic.

6. Your right to post material on SingleDivers.com:

When you post material on the SingleDivers.com website, you guarantee you have the right to do so, that you are not posting copyrighted material unless you hold the copyright. The user indemnifies SingleDivers.com of responsibility for any such breach of copyright and accepts sole responsibility for any legal action or claims arising from messages posted on this forum.


7. Your rights as a member of SingleDivers.com:


You are part of a private community that functions for the best interests of its members. Most of our members are women who want to DIVE. They do not want to be 'hit on' or have others 'assume they are on a trip for one reason...ie. hookups'. They want to have fun enjoying the sport they love, making new friends and participating in a community that protects them and these rights.  In a private community you agree to abide by the rules that are in place for that community. Your rights to free speech are limited by those of this community that you have voluntarily joined. Our members appreciate that we are uniquely the only online community where you can ask a question and not be 'bullied, trolled, or demeaned' and 'all members can feel safe and secure in our private online community as well as on our trips.


8. SD.com not open to minors under 18:
This forum is not open to minors under 18, but we do ask you not to use obscenities as such behavior does offend people and is not in keeping with the spirit of courtesy we would like to keep as a basic part of this website.

9. 'Inflammatory By Nature' Topics i.e. Politics, etc. NOT allowed on SingleDivers.com:

Some topics are inflammatory by their very nature, others can easily become so. Political commentary (i.e. jokes, pictures, solitary asides, etc) always seem to hurt people's feelings or get tempers flaring. Therefore, all political discussions, jokes, cartoons, pictures, commentary, asides, etc. that cast a political figure from any country (since we are a multi-national site) in poor light or has political overlays or can be construed as political are never allowed on Single Divers.com and will be modified or removed. Religion seems to be a topic most of us can discuss without offending others. Religious discussions will be very closely monitored. Any hint that the discussion will offend a member will result in the thread/post getting pulled. Click here for additional clarification on this policy.

10. "Universally Offensive" Topics and Images NOT allowed on SingleDivers.com:

Some topics are almost universally offensive. Jokes and casual comments about incest, rape and bestiality or violence will be pulled immediately. This includes links and images from your posts, signature line, or profile to this content or material. Serious discussions about such issues are possible, for example a high profile rape case in the news might generate some discussion. Any such discussion will be monitored closely. Click here for additional clarification on this policy. Some images are also universally offensive. Images depicting any of the universally offensive topics noted above, porn, and any others that are determined by the Moderators & Administrators to fall within this category will be pulled immediately

11. Spam:

Spam (chain mails, repetitive posts, unrequested mail, including PMs, in which you are soliciting people for your agenda ) will be removed immediately. In the case of PMs, we obviously can't remove them, but PM privileges can be suspended. Additional action may be taken when deem necessary. Click here for additional clarification on our Spam policy.

12. Signature Lines:

Signature lines are a place for you to express yourself, your personality, your philosophy on life, your humor…etc. However, to preserve primary focus on posts, signature lines are restricted to a maximum of 4 lines with small sized font. Private email addresses other than MemberName@SingleDivers.com, links to any websites/URLs* (without special SD permission), text reflecting our banned policies e.g. porn, etc., and/or insults against other members or the SD community are prohibited in signature lines as well as member profiles and posts on SingleDivers.com. *Website/URL links are allowed in signature lines for our Professional/Diving Trade/Industry Members pursuant to certain guidelines. See membership levels for details.

13. Site Maintenance & Site Difficulties:

From time to time, we may need to take the board off line for routine maintenance. When this becomes necessary, we will try to give advance notice. It may not be possible to give advance notice. We will do everything possible to get the board operational ASAP. From time to time we may experience technical problems on the site that results in lost posts and/or pms. We will do everything we can to restore any lost data.

14. Feedback:

We want feedback from our members. If you have an idea, let us know. If you have a complaint, let us know. Sometimes when we have complaints our emotions become involved. Please remember to be courteous. If you have a complaint or concern, please send it via pm to comments&concerns or via email to commentsandconcerns@singledivers.com. If posted on the open board, it will be removed and placed into our private Feedback Resolution Forum to ensure your concern is handled privately and confidentially.

15. Private Messages:

Private messages (PM's) are private. We cannot see them, nor do we wish to see them. Your passwords are encrypted. This protects your privacy. If you feel another member is being abusive in PMs to you either because you feel uncomfortable with the content or because they are sending you spam, please forward it to an Administrator explaining your issue with the PM and telling us from whom it was received. Also keep in mind that we are a small, tight community and if you use pm's for spamming our members, to recruit for non-SD trips, to circumvent our TOS, to solicit dates or make unwanted advances against members, that you will usually be reported for it and asked to leave our community depending on the severity of the offense. So it’s best to not do it. If you wish to send something to another member or post something for that matter but are not sure it is acceptable, please contact admin@singledivers.com for assistance.

16. SD.com Dive Trips and Member Initiated Dive Trips:

SingleDivers.com exists for the benefit of our members. One of our primary goals is to help our members dive. To accomplish this goal, we organize trips to various locations 1-2 times a month vs. 1-2 times a year like most organizations. Since many of our members wish to travel outside of our trips but use our BOOKING CLOUT and BUDDY FINDING ASSISTANCE, feel free to ask us to book your travel for you and we will help save your money, get better service and help you find a dive buddy.  Email sdtravel@singledivers.com for help with your trip!  Our trips do generate some income for the club which helps along with membership fees to cover expenses and helps to ensure the continued health and growth of SingleDivers.com. For this reason, promotion of and/or recruiting for (whether direct or indirect) commercial, private or competitive trips other than those sponsored by SingleDivers.com is not permitted in this community.

17. A few rules regarding posting non Single Divers sponsored trips:

a. One day non-commercial trips (no overnight stay involved) are always allowed.

b. Overnight trips cannot be posted unless they are approved by SD or they are an official SD event, activity or trip. To obtain approval send your request to: Comments&Concerns via pm or commentsandconcerns@singledivers.com via email.

c. Trips in which you assist with flights, hotels or dive operators and/or act as a trip leader, organizer or sponsor are never allowed whether you do it privately or public. This applies even if you don't collect money.

d. No active recruiting of SingleDivers.com members for any non SD trip is allowed via pm, email, in member profiles, posts, threads, or any other electronic means using the SD community or contacts.

e. In your announcement post, you must clearly state the trip is a member 'pick up' trip, has been approved by SD once it has, and is not an official Single Divers event.

f. The style of the announcement post cannot duplicate the style of posts used for recruiting for official Single Divers trips.

g. No posts can be made more than one month in advance of the event unless the event is an official SD event.

h. While we can't see your PMs, members do often report questionable PMs they receive. These rules apply to PMs as well as posts.

18. Participants on Trips:

a. We do not as a general rule limit who may or may not go on an SingleDivers.com trip. We pride ourselves in being INCLUSIVE and not EXCLUSIVE. However from time to time situations may arise where participation may be limited.

b. Couples may join our trips and we often have "Sleep Together Discounts" to encourage them to join and simultaneously help our rooming problems when we need 2 people in a room and there is only one bed.

c. We will not allow the mix of couples to exceed the mix of solo travelers so as to lose a suitable pool of appropriate roommates and dive buddies.

d. Former couples may also join our trips as long as both parties agree that its ok. If one party is not comfortable with the other being on the trip with them then the party that signed up first will be permitted to join that trip. In cases where couples are not on good terms we ask that each of you agree to not join a trip the other has joined. Joining is defined as being the first one to sign up and pay their deposit for the trip.

19. Multiple Accounts on SD.com:

Multiple accounts are NOT allowed for any reason. The same member creating multiple accounts is grounds for immediate suspension and/or banning.

20. Solicitation on SingleDivers.com or of SingleDivers.com members:

Solicitation on the site or of our members is not allowed. If you wish to offer your services to our members please do so through the appropriate membership level or contact info@singledivers.com directly to discuss your idea first. This applies to all members and non-members and all levels of membership.

21. Use of Email and Addresses on SD.com:

Personal e-mail addresses are not permitted in signature lines, member profiles, nor posts on SingleDivers.com for security, safety and spam reasons. The only e-mail addresses permitted on the forums are @singledivers.com addresses. Email is not enabled on our site except for our staff members who use it to contact non-premier members for official SingleDivers.com business and matters only. Any other use of the site's email is not allowed.

22. Suspension/Banishment policy:

For a first violation, you'll get a soft reminder from from a moderator or administrator quoting the particular rule violated AND mentioning the suspension policy.

For a second violation within 30 days of the first violation, you'll get a STRONG warning from moderator or administrator quoting the particular rule AND a reminder they will be suspended if they violate the rules again.

For a third violation within 60 days of the first violation, you'll get a STRONG denouncement of the continued violations AND a 3 day vacation from the site.

For a fourth violation within 120 days of the first violation, you'll get a simple message indicating your member account has been banned from SingleDivers.com.

It should be noted that discretion in these types of situations is important. If a member repeatedly makes violations just outside the 30, 60 or 120 day limits they can, at the discretion of SingleDivers.com board management, be given suspensions and/or be banned. Also, SingleDivers.com board management has the discretion to forgo suspensions in unusual cases. If evidence is discovered of a serious or material violation of SD's policies, stalking or threats against our members, or someone trying to harm SD, or its members, the person committing such acts will be banned with no warning. Individuals joining our site who have been banned from other sites with grounds may be denied membership at SD.

Appeals may be made to the board governing body of SingleDivers.com. Decisions of the board governing body are final. You may contact us via commentsandconcerns@singledivers.com to file a protest.

Voluntary, mutually agreed upon, or mandatory departure from SD will not entitle you to any refund of membership fees, nor any other consideration given to SD.

23. Links:

Links to porn sites or other offensive sites are not allowed in posts, profiles, signature nor in any other place on SingleDivers.com. Links in signature lines are reserved for our business/trade members only. Other links in posts may be allowed but only at the sole discretion of the mods and admins of this site.

Note: Views expressed by individual members, moderators or administrators do not necessarily reflect those of SingleDivers.com.

24. Avatars:

Avatar: Avatars are representations of ourselves. An avatar is fun to have by your name in your posts. Usually they are cartoons or drawings but we have chosen to use miniature photos of ourselves. When we use photos of ourselves as avatars, it lets us get to know each other better. It is easier to remember faces than names, especially screen names. Since our purpose is to get to know each other and to dive together, our avatar policy promotes this. Please note that the picture you upload or have us help you to upload MUST be of you, preferably including your head/face. It can be a diving picture or a 'dry' shot, whichever you prefer. At this time rotating avatars are reserved for SD Staff only and therefore not permitted. To upload your avatar click on "My Controls" then click on EDIT AVATARS under Personal Profile on the left toolbar. PLEASE note that your avatar shows up next to your posts on the site and your Profile Picture is only in your profile.

Note: If you need help uploading or resizing a picture for your avatar, SD.com will help you do that. You send the pictures to us via admin@singledivers.com or via the details below and we will send them back resized or cropped to highlight YOU! There is no charge for this service and is provided free of charge by some of our members.

Click here for help with Avatars and Profile Pictures.

25. THE "EX" RULE:

While we are not a dating site...our hookups are to tanks...sometimes chemistry happens and relationships happen. Sometimes they last and sometimes they dissipate and sometimes they blow up. If you part on good terms then this rule does not apply. In the case of the latter or if you happen to find SD and you currently have an 'ex' and do not care to travel with them, SingleDivers.com honors a "first signed up is the only member allowed on that trip" rule. Here's how it works... be the first to sign up for and pay the deposit on one of our trips and your ex (we need to know who they are in advance) needs to book another trip. Conversly if you try to sign up for a trip your ex is on and your parting was not friendly (and you have advised us in advance) then you will be asked to find another trip to travel on that your ex has not signed up for and paid her/his deposit. And while this does not happen that frequently...it does come into play. We ask that you refrain from even showing interest in a trip your ex is on but we also know that plans change so we ONLY ENFORCE TRIP SIGN UPS and not the trip 'interested' lists. And no this isn't a chance for you to book directly with the resort/locale to be at the same place as your ex but not technically via SingleDivers.com. (Should this happen you will not be able to dive with our group and if necessary further action may be taken regarding your membership on the site.) Please ask us for more information if you think this rule will be helpful to your situation. And please make sure we know in advance if you plan to apply this rule to your personal situation when attending our trips via kamala@singledivers.com

  • thebestyet and Crabby lady like this

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#2 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

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  • Location:FL SC & Dallas, TX
  • Gender:Female
  • Cert Level:DM & Technical certs
  • Logged Dives:5000+

Posted 13 April 2004 - 08:41 AM

Rules for posting your travel plans or requests for dive buddies:

Some people have raised questions about what is and what is not allowed with regard to posting their planned dives. The following is posted as part of Forum Rules in the Announcements forum:


16. SD.com Dive Trips and Member Initiated Dive Trips:

SingleDivers.com exists for the benefit of our members. One of our primary goals is to help our members dive. To accomplish this goal, we organize trips to various locations 1-2 times a month vs. 1-2 times a year like most organizations. Since many of our members wish to travel outside of our trips but use our BOOKING CLOUT and BUDDY FINDING ASSISTANCE, feel free to ask us to book your travel for you and we will help save your money, get better service and help you find a dive buddy.  Email sdtravel@singledivers.com for help with your trip!  Our trips do generate some income for the club which helps along with membership fees to cover expenses and helps to ensure the continued health and growth of SingleDivers.com. For this reason, promotion of and/or recruiting for (whether direct or indirect) commercial, private or competitive trips other than those sponsored by SingleDivers.com is not permitted in this community.


17. A few rules regarding posting non Single Divers sponsored trips:

a. One day non-commercial trips (no overnight stay involved) are always allowed.

b. Overnight trips cannot be posted unless they are approved by SD or they are an official SD event, activity or trip. To obtain approval send your request to: Comments&Concerns via pm or commentsandconcerns@singledivers.com via email.

c. Trips in which you assist with flights, hotels or dive operators and/or act as a trip leader, organizer or sponsor are never allowed whether you do it privately or public. This applies even if you don't collect money.

d. No active recruiting via pm, email, posts or threads to SD.com members for any non-SD trip will be allowed.

e. In your announcement post, you must clearly state the trip is a member 'pick up' trip and not an official Single Divers event.

f. The style of the announcement post cannot duplicate the style of posts used for recruiting for official Single Divers trips.

g. No posts can be made more than one month in advance of the event unless the event is an official SD event.

h. While we can't see your PMs, members do often report questionable PMs they receive. These rules apply to PMs as well as posts.

There has been some question as to exactly where the line is drawn. What can you post and what is not allowed? I'll try to clarify our position.

You are encouraged to dive and to dive often. We encourage you to post your dive reports. We'd love for you to tell us when and where you'll be diving. We think it's great when you invite all of us to go with you. An example is, "I'm diving the Jim Atria wreck on Saturday, May 15th out of Pompano Beach. Anyone with deep diving experience who'll be in the area is welcome to join me." You can post this type of information any time within the four weeks preceeding your planned dive. If you were to post it more than four weeks in advance, it would give the appearance of a competitive trip. We don't want to play favorites, so we want to avoid that appearance.

An example of what is not allowed is, "I'm diving the Jim Atria wreck on Saturday, May 15th out of Pompano Beach. Anyone with deep diving experience is welcome to join me. You can fly into Ft Lauderdale International Airport. We'll be staying at the Motel 6 on Dixie Highway. Contact me for spots on the boat" or "I'm diving the Jim Atria wreck on Saturday, May 15th out of Pompano Beach. You can contact my dive shop and sign up for this trip to join me. Their contact info is..." In these cases or similar, it wouldn't matter if it were posted within the four weeks guideline, the post would be pulled and I would be warned for violations of Single Divers' rules.

Single Divers will be sponsoring various regional trips to encourage diving and interaction between our members. We're always looking for suggestions, please share your ideas. We are currently looking at running regional trips to California, Florida, the Pacific North West and the Great Lakes. Other ideas are welcome.

NOTE: If you have any questions about what does and does not comply with our rules, please pm/email either Walter or myself and we'll be happy to review your post for you. Also PLEASE post all dive outing requests in the "Where In The World category under the proper geographical forum. Many of you are posting your dive outings in the General Diving category which we then move to the proper geographical category. If you are heading towards some of our members...you can post in the "I'm Headed Your Way" forum*.

And lastly...although you'll see people frequently mention trips in various threads....with myself being the most notable individual in question...all references to trips must be to official SingleDivers.com trips or events. If we see you reference a private outing we will move your post to the proper forum mentioned above and/or remove it and ask you not to mention private outings in other open threads on the board.

We appreciate your help and asistance with this policy compliance. -ww

* Rules for posting in the I'm Headed Your Way Forum

We want to encourage our members to get together for dives and to foster friendships. With this in mind, we have started a new forum to specifically assist our members when they travel to other areas. Our new forum is designed for folks traveling to other areas wanting to dive with local members privately. (This is not an opportunity to put a dive trip together in that destination since that would be a competitive or commercial endeavor nor is it a chance to help fill other commercial dive trips that you are participating in even if you are not a leader or assisting a leader.)

If you are traveling and would like to hook up with local single or buddyless divers, please post an announcement in the new "I'm Heading Your Way" forum.

If you see someone is heading your way and you'd like to dive with them while they're in town, please send them a PM to make arrangements.

There is no time limit; so you can announce your individual travel plans to the destination of one of our members at any time however our standard rules about leading or helping to lead dive trips, etc still apply. Have fun and dive safely! Don't forget to post a trip report when you return!

-SD Staff

  • Waterbaby71 likes this

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#3 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

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  • Gender:Female
  • Cert Level:DM & Technical certs
  • Logged Dives:5000+

Posted 05 February 2005 - 06:20 PM

Policy on Controversial/Disgusting/Objectionable Topics and Images:

We like to think of ourselves as a family. In our family there will be times we have disagreements over one topic or another. This is normal and expected. In rare instances, those disagreements can cause emotional turmoil. We would like to keep those instances to a minimum. We believe it is best to avoid them in the first place rather than trying to fix them after the fact. Certain topics have a tendency to cause hard feelings between members. For this reason, we've had a policy with regard to not posting those topics many people find controversial, disgusting or objectionable. This includes discussion of and posting pictures or videos depicting certain acts or practices. These topics have been rape, incest, murder, bestiality, politics and bashing of religions.

We have now added 'violence' to this short list whether it is overt, spurious, gratuitous, graphic, etc, and regardless of how it is displayed against children/people, animals, or property, it is not appropriate for SingleDivers.com.

We ask that our members please do not post similar types of material on the site in the future.

Thank you for your understanding,


Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#4 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

  • Owner
  • PipPipPipPipPipPipPip
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  • Location:FL SC & Dallas, TX
  • Gender:Female
  • Cert Level:DM & Technical certs
  • Logged Dives:5000+

Posted 05 February 2005 - 07:49 PM

Taken from the SingleDivers.com FAQ's ....

Are there any rules that I need to follow as a member of SingleDivers.com? Do all members have to follow them, even the paying members?

Yes we have a few rules that we'd like for everyone who uses our site to follow. You'll find them listed in on our Message Board Let's Get Started > Membership...FAQs...Site Policies or here. Our board policies also cover many of the rules we'd like for you to honor. They all entail basic respect for your fellow members of the board such as: no spam; no flaming; no trolling; no threats; etc. The basic rule is..."If you can't say anything nice then please don't say anything at all." Because these terms can vary widely, we've taken a moment to define a few of the critical ones for you. We will usually edit or remove your posts when we find that you have broken these rules. If you are a repeated offender, we will ask you to leave the board.

Flaming: To insult a person or other entity in a post or message or to post material designed to stir up controversary or ill will.

Trolling: An outrageous message or response posted to bait people to answer. Trolling is disruptive because it can take over a discussion. The best response is to ignore it. If that doesn't work then please report it to a moderator by using the "report this post" feature on the message board found in the upper right corner of the message. (It comes from the fishing term of dragging a baited hook through the water hoping for a bite.)

Spam: The flooding of message boards or mailboxes with unwanted, unsolicited messages, usually advertisements or promotions. While spam is usually large numbers of messages, even one unwanted message is technically spam. We ask that if you receive a message that you consider to be spam, that you reply back to the sender to not send you messages of this type anymore. If that does not work, please advise one of the moderators or administrators for assistance. (The term was inspired by an old Monty Python sketch about a repetitive menu with spam, spam, eggs, and spam.)

Email Etiquette: Email or Private Message etiquette are very similar. Please do not use ALL CAPS...it is the equivalent of YELLING in email. When corresponding with new or old friends using email, please erase all of the previous recipient's names and email addresses before forwarding an email and use the BCC function to blind carbon copy your recipients so as to not reveal their email addresses and names. And remember that when you write something to read it and spell check it before sending it. On the board we have an edit function but it is only good for 60 minutes after you post. If you are angry, don't send the email until after you have cooled off and can read it again. Often we say things in email we'd never say in person and the results can be devastating. And finally, you may need to insert how you are feeling into an email as the written word does not always convey emotion and expression. A common method for doing this is inserting smiley faces such as :, or ;0) or 9. You can also insert your intentions after a statement such as (BIG GRIN) or (hoping you are laughing) and many people use programmers abbreviations for humor such as LOL = laughing out loud, ROTFLOL = Rolling on the floor laughing out loud, MOF = Matter of Fact or BTW = By the way, etc.

MOF, many happy emails and pm's to you at the "Surface Interval"…the best place to hang out and have fun other then getting WET! LOL!!! :wakawaka:

*Note -- To view the "Policies" please click on "Policies" in the drop down menu on the home page and you'll see them listed there as well as in the Announcements Section of the "Surface Interval" or you can CLICK HERE

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

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"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#5 WreckWench


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Posted 05 March 2005 - 12:31 PM

Clarification on our Avatar Policy:

Many of you have asked various questions about our Avatar policy which is contained in our SingleDivers.com FAQ:

Click here for our SingleDivers.com FAQ

or Click here for our ScubaDiving FAQ

Avatar: Avatars are representations of ourselves. An avatar is fun to have by your name in your posts. Usually they are cartoons or drawings but we have chosen to use miniature photos of ourselves. When we use photos of ourselves as avatars, it lets us get to know each other better. It is easier to remember faces than names, especially screen names. Since our purpose is to get to know each other and to dive together, our avatar policy promotes this. Please note that the picture you upload or have us help you to upload MUST be of you, preferably including your head/face. It can be a diving picture or a 'dry' shot, whichever you prefer. See "My Controls" for how to upload your avatar.

Note: If you need help uploading or resizing a picture for your avatar, SD.com will help you do that. You send the pictures to us and we will send them back resized or cropped to highlight YOU! There is no charge for this service and is provided free of charge by some of our members.

Click here for help with Avatars and Profile Pictures

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#6 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

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Posted 15 March 2005 - 11:40 AM

Clarification on Spam:

Taken from our membership policies above:

11. Spam (chain mails, repetitive posts, unrequested mail, including PMs, in which you are soliciting people for your agenda ) will be removed immediately. In the case of PMs, we obviously can't remove them, but PM privledges can be suspended. Additional action may be taken when deem necessary.

There are several forms of spam that you need to be particularily aware of. One is recruiting dive buddies for dive trips and the other is trying to meet new people when you first sign up.

SingleDivers.com exists to promote scuba diving with other single and buddyless divers. So we offer dive trips all over the world, great local dive and dine events as well as a host fun activities so that you can dive more and get to know others at SingleDivers.com. We are not an open forum for you to recruit divers for your own dive trips. Recruiting for non-SD trips is a form of spam and violates our site's policies.

Although we are NOT a dating site, some of our members not realizing that, will send out a multitude (more than one) of pm's to members of the opposite sex and as a result be percieved as spamming our members. Note that this IS a violation of our site policies.

How can you avoid that?

1. Fill out your profile. You'll find it under "My Controls" in the upper left corner of the board.

2. Post a picture. Please make sure it is of yourself, but pictures help us to get to know each other better. (Need help? Get your picture resized for free! or for other site related help click here and see if your question has already been answered!

3. Post an introduction in our "New to SingleDivers.com" forum! Its easy...its painless and it allows us to know that you are here! Plus its where all the fun is! teeth.gif

Click here to post an introduction. Click on 'New Topic' and tell us about yourself!

4. Then start looking at all the fun stuff going on and jump right in. You can say hi to other new members. Wish someone a Happy Birthday, tell a joke or read one or ask a question about about diving in general! To see all of our forum categories Click here and jump right in!

5. Once you've sorta found your way around, then feel free to look thru our member databases or say hi to someone you saw in one on the threads! Want to be noticed? Want to be contacted? Post a lot and people will not only notice you but get to know you! They may even contact you first! cool2.gif

6. Join us at a local Happy Hour, or diving event for loads of fun and a great way to meet people in your area!

7. Or take the plunge and go diving with us on a SingleDivers.com group diving trip! This is the BEST way to get to know other members and really make some great diving friendships! teeth.gif

And we know that you want to tell others about SingleDivers.com and we thank you for that! The easiest way to do that is to tell your friends, post about us on other sites if someone asks about how to find buddies, or to put our url into your signature line on other diving or non-diving online communities you belong too!

Note: A quick reminder as you tell people about SD, keep in mind, we don't want to use spam as a recruitment tool. Spam can be sending one unwanted message. So if you send an e-mail or PM on another board telling someone about this website in an attempt to recruit them, you have spammed them. None of us like receiving spam. Please don't send any, especially on our behalf.

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#7 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

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Posted 04 May 2005 - 09:53 AM

REPORT POST button...

If you need to report a particular post to the mods and admins either because it is offensive to you, it violates one of SD.com's policies or perhaps because it is a duplicate, please do so by clicking on the REPORT POST button and then add your comments so that we know what you wish us to do. All the mods and admins will then be notified of your request and one of us will handle it accordingly.

Thank you, Kamala

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#8 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

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Posted 04 May 2005 - 09:56 AM

Clarification on policy regarding Politics....

We've had an opportunity recently to further clarify our position regarding political content on SD.com. Our original position stated 'discussions' and did not expressly include jokes, pictures, cartoons, pointed remarks, statements, and solitary asides so we've chosen to further clarify our position regarding politics.

And I'd like to address a question that arises from time to time on this matter which is why are they not allowed. As our policy states...

9. 'Inflammatory By Nature' Topics i.e. Politics, etc. NOT allowed on SingleDivers.com:

Some topics are inflammatory by their very nature, others can easily become so. Political commentary (i.e. jokes, pictures, solitary asides, etc) always seem to hurt people's feelings or get tempers flaring. Therefore, all political discussions, jokes, cartoons, pictures, commentary, asides, etc. that cast a political figure from any country (since we are a multi-national site) in poor light or has political overlays or can be construed as political are never allowed on Single Divers.com and will be modified or removed. Religion seems to be a topic most of us can discuss without offending others. Religious discussions will be very closely monitored. Any hint that the discussion will offend a member will result in the thread/post getting pulled. Click here for additional clarification on this policy.

Although many of our members are incredibly intelligent and respectful, people get put out when you tread on their political beliefs no matter how respectful you are in the process so it is best to avoid the matter altogether. Once people's feelings are hurt or people are angered then they lose focus on diving...and in some cases change dive plans to avoid trips or activities that people of differing politics are on...or even leave the site...and since we are SingleDivers.com and not SinglePolitcians.com we do not discuss politics on this site.

By leaving politics out of SD, we avoid needless controversary and hard feelings which are counter productive to the fun and friendly atmosphere that exists on SD which promotes diving regardless of skill, experience or background.

Note: This policy cover all remarks, pictures, etc that are political in nature, or could be construed as political in nature, or casts any politican from any country in a poor or compromising manner. This also includes discussion on historical or previous politicial issues during the last 100 years. Beyond 100 years, it becomes more of an historical discussion than a political one. We ask that you assist us in the implementation of this policy by using the REPORT POST button should you see any objectionable post or any post that references a political subject.

Thank you for your ongoing support of SingleDivers.com and let's get wet soon!

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

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