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10 Spots Left! June 9-16 2007 Singles Week in Grenada! "Spice up the Week" with Singles

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#1 WreckWench


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Posted 15 November 2006 - 11:26 AM

Coral_Wide_Angle.jpg "Spice up the Week"! Its Singles Week in Grenada!
Our newest Singles Week Destination is Grenada! The Spice Capital of the World! So get ready to "Spice Up Your Singles Week" June 9-16! And if you are coming in from Europe or just want to do a longer package we'll also have a 8, 9 & 10 day option as well! We've been working since last year to find a great new Singles Week venue and our friends at Aquanauts Grenada and True Blue Bay were eager to share their lovely resort and tremendous diving with us!

Package Overview:
The 7 day price will be a 'mostly all inclusive' pkg including breakfast, lunch and all dinners but 3 whereby we have special arrangements on the island for you to participate in Fish Friday, Explore On Your Own and other unique island experiences that you won't want to miss! (Details on the 9 & 10 day pkg will be finalized soon! Please note that the additional days only include hotel and breakfast.) This trip is for ANYONE who has ever thought of diving the pristine island of Grenada...wanted to explore the Bianca C also known as the Andria Doria of the Caribbean and venture into the untouched, virturally undove Grenedines! We have finalized a very special pricing package with True Blue Bay Resort and Aquanauts Grenada for $962 for 7 days and $1103 for 9 days.(Note the 9 or 10 day pkgs only include hotel and breakfast.) Air is not included but we have some great contract air on Air Jamaica lined up so we can help you with that or you can book it directly. NOTE: AA's bulk rates are not much better than scheduled air so you are better off booking it yourself.


Who's Going:
1. Kamala aka Wreck Wench - TX (pd) - 9 Day Option - Nitrox-Pd - waiver/survey
2. Kim aka finGrabber - TX (pd) - Nitrox - 8 Day Option - [waiver/survey
3. Gerry aka fairfield59 - (pd) - 7 Day Option / SO - ( No extra dives, no nitrox, no Grenadines.) - Waiver/Survey
4. Stan aka scubaski - MA (pd) - D/O -8 day option-Nitrox (pd 6day upgrade $70)
5. Paula aka TravelGal - FL- (dep/1st/2nd) - Waiver/Survey - (might be doing extended day option)
6. Mark aka DiveAk - AK - (dep/2nd/3rd) - (9 nights) Nitrox - Working on air - Waiver/Waiver - Digital PHOTO Specialty
7. John aka PlatypusMan - TX - (pd) 7 Day Option Waver/Survey - flight information
8. John aka dustbowl diver - TX - (dep/2nd/3rd) 7 Day Option / extra dives (pd$250)
9. Tom aka tdtexas - TX - (dep, 1st, 2nd, 4th) - 7 Day Option - Survey - flight details
10. Bill aka GrayFins - OK - (pd) - 7 Day Option - Nitrox Pd $60-taking three classes digital camera(pd$100)/PPB,Wreck(pd$200) /boat night dive (pd $55)/ extra dives(pd165)/ Waiver/Survey
11. Bruce aka scubashafer - MD - (pd) add 23-26 June to TBBR Waiver/Survey
12. Kelly aka Captain Morgan - NM - (pd) - Nitrox Upgrade -7 day option- GrenadinesSurvey/waiver
13. Karen aka DiverDoll - NV-(dep) (8 Nights) - Waiver/Survey - flight details
14. Pam aka SunsScubaGirl - AZ (pd) (9 nights)
15. Sandy aka ScubaPunk - TX (9 nights) Nitrox 9+day pkg, check air
16. Eric aka Moose - NJ; (dep) nitrox, Grenadines
17. Catherine, UK
18. Howard aka Howardsnewyork - NY (dep/1st/2nd) - Waiver /Survey
19. Terri aka turquoise - CA - (pd) s/o 7days- waiver/survey
20. Teresa aka Mermaid Lady - (pd) nitrox-pd, Grenadines
21. Simon aka Shadragon - Canada -(pd) (9nights/?Days Diving) Nitrox, Airfare - Grenadines (Will do s/o or d/o for the week and ok with s/o for extra night) - Waiver/Survey
22. Larry aka orcaman - FL (14nights) - (air pd/) - airfare purchased via SD - Waiver
23. Pierre aka SierraShade - CA - (pd trip/pd extras/pd Grenedines) 10(nights) - s/o - 5 extra dives - Nitrox 8 days - Grenedines - waiver/survey - flight details
24. Buddy aka airhog68- (pd) - 8 night option D/O-arriving the 8th(will do s/o on the 8th)-grenedines NEEDS ALL GEAR AS RENTAL GEAR Waiver
25.Zack aka divzac - FL - (pd) 7(nights) - Nitrox (pd) -extra dives? - Waiver/Survey
26.Beth aka Beth -AL- (pd) 7 day option - S/O- - Digital PHOTO Specialty Survey - DM Services PD
27. Jeff aka sparky103 - NY -(pd) +Grenedines + ?extra dives -Waiver/Survey
28.Allan aka spongeal- Ma- (dep) 8 day /no extra dives/requests S/O-SURVEY
29. Deb aka DiverDeb - (pd) Waiver/Survey
30. Katarina aka Diver 123 (June 5-9th only)

Check's In The Mail:


Day in the Grenadines...Isle de Rhone (Need 10 to do):
1. Kamala aka Wreck Wench
2. Bruce aka ScubaShafer
3. John aka Platypusman
4. Paula aka TravelGal
5. Kelly aka CaptainMorgan
6. Kim aka finGrabber
7. Sandy aka ScubaPunk
8. Simon aka Shadragon
9. Eric aka Moose
10. Tom aka TDTexas
11. Carol aka sandiegocarol
12. Mark aka DiveAK
13. Teresa aka Mermaid Lady
14. Buddy aka airhog68
15. Zach aka divzac

Full Details:

*Prices in US$ per person:
7 nights / 10 dives $962 d/o $1292 s/o
8 nights / 10 dives $1019 d/o $1395 s/o
9 nights / 10 dives $1076 d/o $1506 s/o
10 nights / 10 dives $1103 d/o $1573 s/o
additional night $53 d/o $105 s/o

*Note: Events & Dives and D/O is only guaranteed for the 7 day pkg of June 9-16. Due to members choosing various pkgs you are likely to find a roommate for extra days and we will help you but can not guarantee d/o for extra days.

Price Includes:

• Accommodation at True Blue Bay Resort, run of the house, air-conditioned
• Double occupancy, airport roundtrip transfers, welcome cocktail
• Daily continental breakfast buffet & lunch at True Blue Bay Restaurant
• Complimentary cocktail party at Dodgy Dock (a local college favorite)
• Daily transfers to Grand Anse Beach
• 3 nights dinner at True Blue Bay Restaurant (3 course meal, drinks not included)
• One (1) shore night dive and beach BBQ at Aquarium Beach
• Trip to "Fish Friday" a local island cultural experience (food & drinks not included). Participants will wonder through the community square tasting food and drinks from local vendors and villagers. This will be one of the highlights of your trip!
• Group Activities and Island Excursions TBA
• 10 dives incl. tanks & weights
• All taxes and service charges on package included
IF DOING 8, 9 or 10 DAY PACKAGE: The extra days can be before or after the main week of 9-16 and the upgrade price includes hotel and breakfast and taxes only.

Price Does Not Include:

• Airfare (we have bulk air or you can do your own.)
• Rental, instruction and retail charges
• Crew/staff gratuities (usually 10-15% of your land pkg cost)
• Trip Cancellation Insurance (we have great pricing on trip insurance see below)
• Nitrox Upgrade of $60 for the 5 day diving pkg $80 if diving 7 days (see below for full nitrox options)
• Diving Excursion to the Grenedines $55 to any pkg dive day or $130 any non-dive day, 10 divers min.
• Departure taxes (approx US$25)
• Afternoon dives (see below under optional services)
IF DOING 8, 9 or 10 DAY PACKAGE: The extra days can be before or after the main week of 9-16 and the upgrade price does not include diving or other meals etc.
• D/O is not guaranteed for extra nights before or after the pkg however with so many people doing them we may only need a few people at most to do a single room.

Optional Services:

• Nitrox $60 for the 5 day diving pkg or $80 for 7 days diving...see below for matrix
• Single Room Upgrade $50 per night
• Diving Excursion to the Grenedines $55 upgrade to pkg dive day or $130 to non-dive day; 10 divers min.
• Additional 2 tank morning dives for Friday or if doing 9 day pkg US$79* - SEE EXTRA DIVE PKG PRICES BELOW
Optional 1 tank afternoon dives from 2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m. US$41 - SEE EXTRA DIVE PKG PRICES BELOW
• Optional Boat Night dive, minimum 8 divers, US$55 per person

On island per dive price $41

Pre-Trip Special SD Prices:

3 dives @ $37 ea = 111,- US$
5 dives @ $33 ea = 165,-US$

*Price is prebooked only, non refundable and non exchangeable.

Package Nitrox Upgrades:

5 days diving - 60,-US$
6 days diving - 70,-US$
7 days diving - 80,-US$
8 days diving - 90,-US$
9+ days diving - 100,-US$


Note: Schedule for 9 day pkg can begin on June 7th (Thursday is the arrival date for most European Flights). It is open to anyone wishing to arrive early or stay a few days late. Schedule for 7 day pkg below. Your 9 day or 10 day pkg can extend past the 16th or start prior to the 9th. Just keep in mind that we may not be able to ensure that everyone who wants to extend their package will have a roommate. Some roommates may have to change for these extra days and/or you may opt for a single room. In the event of lack of roommates someone will need to do a single room.

Saturday June 9th: Welcome cocktail upon arrival at the resort, check in and orientation for the week

Sunday June 10th: 2 tank am dives, optional afternoon dives, SD Singles Event/Activity TBA, Dinner at True Blue Bay Restaurant

Monday June 11th: 2 tank am dives, optional afternoon dives, SD Singles Event/Activity TBA, Hosted Cocktail party at Dodgy Dock, Dinner at True Blue Bay Restaurant

Tuesday June 12th: 2 tank am dives, optional afternoon dives, SD Singles Event/Activity TBA, Group Beach BBQ & night dive

Wednesday June 13th: 2 tank am dives, optional afternoon dives, SD Singles Event/Activity TBA, Dinner at True Blue Bay Restaurant

Thursday June 14th: 2 tank am dives, optional afternoon dives, SD Singles Activity & Sightseeing in Town, "Explore On Your Own" Dinner experience.

Friday June 15th: optional am dives, optional afternoon dives, SD Singles Event/Activity TBA, Group Departure for other side of the island for far end island sightseeing and Fish Friday

Saturday June 16th: Departure to airport.

Daily Breakfast: from 7.00 a.m. - 9.30 a.m.

Daily Lunch: from 12.30 - 1.30 p.m.

Daily Diving: Sunday June 10th through Thursday June 14th 2 tank morning dive from 9.00
a.m. - 12.30 p.m.


1. As is our tradition we take school supplies on our trips to the under priviledged children of the countries we visit while diving. Grenada is no exception and has 3 orphanages including one very close to the Hotel Bel Air House. One of the non-diving afternoons we will take whoever would like to join us and drop off the school supplies to the kids. I have seen grown men tear up at the look on their faces when they see us.
So PLEASE keep your eye out for school supplies on sale as these items are extremely expensive in the countries we visit. Remember a child can play with a can or a box and use great imagination pretending it is a castle, fort, car or space capsule. But they can not make do as well when they need school supplies so that they can learn and better themselves.

2. Flights: We are extremely fortunate to be able to obtain some excellent bulk fares for you on Air Jamaica. Most agents do not pass these savings onto you. We do however they are extremely limited. Once they are gone...they are gone so please do not delay in getting them if you want them.

3. Trip Availability: This trip will be limited to the number of people who can attend. While it seems that there is a lot of space now...this will change starting the end of January and beginning of February as this trip will start to get national and international exposure. The ad campaign for this Singles Week will be launching soon. Members of SingleDivers.com have had first 'dibs' on the spots! So do not delay too long in signing up if you wish to join us on this trip!

4. Packages vs. Extra Days: The 'package' is the 7 day pkg which includes the hotel, diving, activities and meals. The resort has given us special pricing for 9 days, 10 days and now even extra days BUT...the pricing is for the hotel and breakfast ONLY for the extra days. The pricing is for d/o BUT unless we have enough people who also want to do the 9 and 10 day option...you may have to do a single room upgrade for any nights we do not have enough suitable roommate options. (Suitable roommate options include another person wanting to stay the same extra days and who are willing to stay with either sex roommate and who wish to have or willing to have a roommate for the extra days.)

5. Roommate Options: SingleDivers.com guarantees with proper advanced booking a same sex roommate so you can avoid single supplements on its group trips. If you are willing to stay with either sex roommates that can usually be worked out and we appreciate your flexibility as we sometimes need it. PLEASE NOTE that when you sign up for extra days such as on this trip anything past the 7 day trip are considered extra days that you may or may not have a roommate. Whenever we can we work to find you a suitable roommate. If we can not, you will need to pay for the single upgrade on those days that we can not find you a suitable roommate. By posting your intentions in the thread that you are staying extra days or wish to stay extra days you are increasing the liklihood that someone else will stay extra days as well. That is why we are capturing the days you are staying in the main thread so that you will know who else will need a roommate.

6. Roommate Questions: We always get roommate questions so while on the topic we'll cover them again for you. SingleDivers.com guarantees a same sex roommate as long as you sign up in advance on a SD group trip. Roommates will not be assigned until right before the trip runs. For privacy concerns we do not post them in the thread. If you wish to room with someone we can arrange that for you as long as both parties request via pm or emal that they want to room together. SingleDivers.com will have you fill out a very extensive roommate profile survey (you will get the password to the trip docs forum from Fingrabber or Nurseshark) that asks everything from what temperature you like the room to whether you are a night owl or early bird. These replies help us to match you with a suitable roommate. If you desire a single room they are almost always available for an additional charge. Some people request a d/o but will take a s/o if we need them too. This too is greatly appreciated when your travel preferences allow you to be that flexible! :P

How to Book a Spot on this Trip:

1. Post in this thread that you plan to join us and your check or payment is in the mail or on it's way. We'll then put your name on the 'check's in the mail' list. (Please send your pymt asap as we'll only hold your spot for 7 days.) - To post on the site you need to register as a member of the site. Registration is free or if you want to upgrade premier membership levels are available for as little as $25 a year. Click here to learn more.
2. Fill out the Trip Rooming & Diving Survey plus the SingleDivers.com Medical Liability Release which you'll find under "Stuff you need to know for ALL SingleDivers.com trips & activities!" or click here to link to it. (Send a PM or an email to fingrabber@singledivers.com for the password.)
3. Send your deposit for the trip and/or monies due based upon the payment schedule posted below and payment options. If you need to make special arrangements about payments with me please contact me and I'll gladly work with you. See below for our credit card authorization form.
4. If we need to know what time you are arriving, if you need rental gear, if driving or flying or how much lead you need, you MUST include this with your initial reservation.


$25 rebate for SD premier or charter membership
Price includes cash discount. Please add 3% if paying via paypal or credit card.

Payment Information:

If paying via credit card (Visa, MC, Diners) download the SD Credit Card Authorization Form, complete and fax to 214-350-2558. Click here for the form.

If paying via paypal go to www.PayPal.com and send payment to kamala@singledivers.com Be sure to include the 3% fee along with your address, contact number, screen name and trip name in the details section.

If paying via check or money order, please send payment to:

Kamala Shadduck
3957 Gaspar Ste#200
Dallas, TX 75220

We must have your name, address, screen name and trip name in the memo section of the check to be credited properly for this trip

Payment Terms & Schedule:

ASAP: $250 deposit required to reserve a spot on the trip.

Progress Payments:

Immediately to Hold Spot: $250 Deposit
Feb 9, 2007: $250
Mar 9, 2007: $250
Apr 9, 2007: $212 Balance of trip payment. (If doing 9 day package your final payment is $353)

PLEASE obtain trip insurance ...it is VERY inexpensive and will protect your investment. You can purchase it right online as well as check quotes etc. It is very economical and averages about $ for this trip.

Click here for a free quote or to purchase online!


Click here for another provider that provides excellent rates and coverage!

Photos Courtesy of Lily Mak @ Enchanted Sea.
Picture #1 (at top): Vibrant & Health Coral Reefs
Picture #2: Bow of the Bianca C
Picture #3: Christmas Tree Worm
Picture #4: More coral reefs

Bianca_C_Bow.jpg christmas_tree.jpg Grenada_Coral_Reef.jpg

Attached Files

Edited by WreckWench, 07 June 2007 - 03:14 AM.

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

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"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#2 Guest_PlatypusMan_*

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Posted 15 November 2006 - 05:01 PM

Put me down as interested; I want details as they come to light.


#3 Guest_Sea Urchin_*

Guest_Sea Urchin_*
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Posted 15 November 2006 - 09:56 PM

Yep, gotta go back to this island so count me in too. This round, I'll rent a car for the week and really explore the island more. Is there a way to ship goodies to the resort for the orphanages this round in advance? I'll be more practical and get undies, socks, clothes, in addition to toys and school supply.


#4 WreckWench


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Posted 16 November 2006 - 03:14 PM

Yes one of the activities planned will be to visit the orphange and donate school supplies! Now if I could just figure out how to get one of them home with me! :banghead:

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#5 thaigershark


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 11:46 AM

When will the trip details firm up? Are talking about liveaboard or resort? I am definitely interested in diving there. I've never been on a trip through this network, what are they like?


#6 finGrabber


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Posted 03 December 2006 - 01:18 PM

The details should be posted soon as we are awaiting final pricing from the resort/dive shop. This will be a land based trip and will include most meals.

#7 WreckWench


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Posted 04 December 2006 - 05:59 PM

When will the trip details firm up? Are talking about liveaboard or resort? I am definitely interested in diving there. I've never been on a trip through this network, what are they like?


They vary in length, variety, pricing and skill level but they always top the scales of the fun meter! :tears:

All trips cater to both newer and more advanced divers allowing each group to dive comfortably to their own skill and ability levels. Some times we have separate boats to accommodate this and other times we just dive different sites.

For a better understanding of what an SD trip is all about...read some of our previous trip reports here and here!

Final details are hopefully in my inbox! This will be a great trip!

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#8 CaptainMorgan


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Posted 05 December 2006 - 02:23 PM

I'm looking for a trip in this timeframe. I looked at the resort website, and it looks nice. Is this where you all stayed on the last Grenada trip, and how will this trip compare to the one at Fanatasy Island? Also, since I'm not a tech diver what is the recreational diving like? Like SeaUrchin said I'd be interested in exploring the island and hiking to some of the waterfalls, too. I'm definitely interested so I'll be looking for more info when prices firm up.


#9 WreckWench


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Posted 05 December 2006 - 02:37 PM

I'm looking for a trip in this timeframe. I looked at the resort website, and it looks nice. Is this where you all stayed on the last Grenada trip, and how will this trip compare to the one at Fanatasy Island? Also, since I'm not a tech diver what is the recreational diving like? Like SeaUrchin said I'd be interested in exploring the island and hiking to some of the waterfalls, too. I'm definitely interested so I'll be looking for more info when prices firm up.


Yes this is where we stayed before. The quality of diving is great in Grenada expecially when we head towards the very infrequently dove Grenadines! Due to the distance there will be a small surcharge but worth EVERY penny.

There is plenty of diving for newer and non-technical divers. Kelly I've seen you dive and you can be my dive buddy anytime, anyplace, anywhere!!!

I am sorting thru the thousands of emails I got while I was gone looking for the final pricing from the resort so we can lock in the details and start promoting this!

As for how it will compare to the one in Roatan...it will be smaller as this will be the first year. We'll have more off the resort activities but we'll still have some events for divers in the afternoons etc. The pkg will include 2 morning dives and you can add afternoon dives at a reduced rate if you sign up in advance for them. However you can choose when you will use them so you have some flexibility. The boat has a number of boats so we'll have lots of flexibility.

The food is exceptionally good and their restaurant is a destination in itself for others on the island. Some of the meals due to the crowds will be limited menu options but they will be excellent.

As for the diving...the water is very warm...low to mid 80's and the coral is very healthy. The vis is a tad less than parts of Roatan because there are more nutrients in the water thus the healthier corals.

Let me know what else you'd like to know in terms of comparison to Roatan!

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#10 Travelgal


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Posted 05 December 2006 - 09:42 PM


Never make someone a priority in your life who has only made you an option in theirs!

#11 WreckWench


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Posted 05 December 2006 - 09:50 PM

Part of the week's festivities will include a tour of the island and 'free time' for people to go and hike, explore etc. We are offering an extended package for 10 days that we anticipated that the Europeans will take advantage of but I'm sure that others can take advantage of it too!

We will do some 'games and activities' but not as many as Roatan. And yes we'll have a number of sponsors for some really cool stuff.

Since this is the first Single's Week that Grenada has done...they are VERY OPEN to suggestions. So why don't you all let us know what you'd like to see and do in terms of the festivities and activities.

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#12 scubagirl


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Posted 11 December 2006 - 12:57 PM

I am very interested in going. Will await further information.
If you can't find the bright side...polish the dull side.

#13 BoomhowerSpeaks


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Posted 11 December 2006 - 06:06 PM

Yep, I'm interested also, just waiting to see what the fundage will be.

#14 ScubaPunk


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Posted 12 December 2006 - 12:13 AM

Got the date saved.

#15 ASDmike


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Posted 12 December 2006 - 11:20 AM

I'm interested too :wavey:

As you work the details, can you check out the costs of adding another night at the end of this Sat-Sat trip?

'06 - Fireworks on History, Singles Fantasy
'07 - Ancient Egypt/Red Sea Liveaboard
'08 - Bonaire Singles Week ...In STYLE!!!

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