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What is a Single's Week? Single & Dating? Solo Travelers looking to save $ & have fun?

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#31 WreckWench


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Posted 05 May 2007 - 01:15 PM

Any more thought on this...

Got some great insight so far! :respect:

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#32 Deepblue962


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Posted 08 May 2007 - 01:23 PM

1. Only Singles will be there?
2. Only Singles who are looking to possibly meet someone for a relationship will be there?
3. Only Singles who are looking for a wild/crazy week of diving/other debauchery will be there?
4. Anyone who is traveling solo as in not with an SO or Spouse?
5. Anyone who is single, spoken for but buddyless or married but buddyless who want to enjoy a week of fun diving, festivities and great people?

Please help us understand what a single's week means to you???

I think people
mostly expect 1)
are happy with 4)
like the opposite sex to be 2)
are ok with 5)
hope for a 3) that does not exceed their personal comfort level

I'm totally new to diving and this website, but....

I think that ASDmike said it best. Just the fact that there is the likely to be more "singles" than "attached" makes it more appealing (to me anyways). It's the interest in diving that brings people here (hopefully), and if by chance you meet someone unattached to enjoy the trip with, or beyond if both are so inclined, then great. If not, at least you'll be amongst people with a common interest and everyone can still have a great time, and make some new friends.
Ok, with that said, put me down for 3)... :birthday:

#33 Brinybay


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Posted 09 May 2007 - 11:36 AM

Any more thought on this...

Got some great insight so far! :cool1:

What does a "Singles Week" imply to you?

1. Only Singles will be there?
2. Only Singles who are looking to possibly meet someone for a relationship will be there?
3. Only Singles who are looking for a wild/crazy week of diving/other debauchery will be there?
4. Anyone who is traveling solo as in not with an SO or Spouse?
5. Anyone who is single, spoken for but buddyless or married but buddyless who want to enjoy a week of fun diving, festivities and great people?

Please help us understand what a single's week means to you???

The word "single(s)" in any phrase implies #1, 2, and possibly #3. Hence I have a hard time explaining to my dive buddies not familiar with SD that it is NOT a dating organization. If I could turn back the clock, I would have advised not to include the word "single" in your business name.

As far as actually arranging real "dating" type of events, (forgive me for being blunt) to hell with that. Just arrange diving and let nature take its course.
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#34 AquaPup


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Posted 01 July 2007 - 07:22 PM

I'm happy to hear that there are often more men than women on these trips! :D

I was worried that if I sign up for Roatan in September, I'd wind up on a trip with either (a) a bunch of people who are not actually "single," or (b) a bunch of single women (not in and of itself a bad thing, but when you're looking for something other than just new friends, well...)

It sounds like it could go either way numbers-wise, but at least most people apparently interpret "singles" weeks to be single, not solo divers. Now I HAVE to book!! :D

I think a singles week trip that perhaps offers some dive-buddy pairing meet-and-greet the first night would be great...perhaps you could do a "traffic light" style cocktail party, where divers wear colored name tags:

Red name tags = Solo but not single
Yellow name tags = Was single when I signed up, but not now OR single but not actively looking
Green name tags = Horndogs! (Err, I mean single and looking)

It also might be good to have the tag list the level/type of diving the person is qualified for/prefers to do.

This way people can meet others who are interested in well-matched buddy pairings, and make the pairings themselves, without any miscommunication about one person being interested in diving with someone else because they think they're single but they're really not, etc. :whip:

As for inappropriate behavior by men towards women, I've never really been one of those women who has trouble dealing with that, and in fact, much like the WreckWench, I tend to step in and check things out if it looks like another chica is having a problem. But yeah, you just never know...some women actually do like that kind of behavior. :welcome:
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#35 Topless


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Posted 18 July 2007 - 05:08 PM

I think AquaPup's stoplight idea is an excellent one! But I think folks should be encouraged to wear their tags at meals, parties, etc. I'm not going to meet everyone the first evening, and I will certainly forget most peoples' names! :P

I have a slightly different outlook on the singles trip idea. I think that you need to have the trip open to all the singles who sign up, no matter how they define single. I think that the point of a singles trip should be to provide an opportunity for single divers to meet other single divers.

The issue for me becomes each person's definition of single, and their level of honesty. It's very easy for me to tell all of you that I'm single, go on the trip, hookup with some women, then come home to my wife and kids. Nobody would know but me.

Perhaps it's me and my cynical view of dating, but at some point we have to trust one another and communicate what we're offering and what we're looking for. I don't think it's WreckWench's place to protect everyone, but I'm glad that she tries.

BTW, I'm not married or dating anyone and my kids are short and furry. :birthday:

#36 BoomhowerSpeaks


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Posted 18 July 2007 - 06:00 PM

Green tag please...

#37 AquaPup


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Posted 18 July 2007 - 10:44 PM

BTW, I'm not married or dating anyone and my kids are short and furry. :o

I want to have...err, meet your kids. :cool1:

Haha, I actually have blinking green light buttons from St. Patty's Day. Maybe I'd have to wear that for the stoplight events.
Religion is a smile on a dog...

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#38 shadragon


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Posted 19 July 2007 - 04:58 AM

Haha, I actually have blinking green light buttons from St. Patty's Day. Maybe I'd have to wear that for the stoplight events.

Well from your profile photo AquaPup your kid looks like he is an armful. Still has his baby teeth too. All 200 of them... :cool1:
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#39 Topless


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Posted 19 July 2007 - 12:05 PM

I want to have...err, meet your kids. :canada:

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#40 WreckWench


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Posted 27 July 2007 - 07:24 AM

While some of it is tongue and cheek...a lot of GREAT info has come from this thread and I'm glad I posted it.

SingleDivers.com currently strives to offer single and buddyless divers regardless of marital or dating status a place to hang out, go diving with like minded people and well basically get to know other cool divers. It is not a place to feel sorry for yourself and its not a place to *score* although *chemistry* happens and that is ok but its not the primary objective. If we are *inclusive* then the issue goes away. And the term *single* IS inclusive of many things...hence our expanded definition of what we are.

I get a lot of professional advice that says I'm missing a huge opportunity to capitalize on the singles dating market. I get a lot of professional advice that says I need to showcase more beatiful women so I'll get more guys on the site (and while not inherently bad...getting more guys that is...getting the type of guys that those suggested picttures would attract might not be all its cracked up to be!) :P

The truth is that what we are doing is working. ALL our trips are *singles* trips. We don't even average 1 married but buddyless diver per trip and since we run 1-2 trips a month that is a significant detail. We don't get into embroiled arguements about what *single* means and whether you can be on the site or not and we don't create an environment that is negative and there non-conducive to ANYONE wanting to get together and go diving!

As it stands we average 40-50% women on most of our trips. We have 1-2 that have significantly less women but we also have 2-3 that have significantly MORE women than men. So the balance overall is there.

And people focus on going diving...and having a great time...and well it *chemistry* happens...that is :-D too! :banghead:

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
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Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#41 shadragon


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Posted 27 July 2007 - 08:10 AM

I get a lot of professional advice that says I need to showcase more beautiful women so I'll get more guys on the site (and while not inherently bad...getting more guys that is...getting the type of guys that those suggested pictures would attract might not be all its cracked up to be!)

We already have copious amounts of beautiful ladies here WW. :banghead:

By setting yourself up as a buddyless dive and travel board you fill a niche that others don't and avoid the usual pitfalls of a purely romance based singles site. From multiple past experiences I can tell you that dating sites are shallow places while SD is multi-dimensional and FUN. Plus, it is small enough to be comfortable yet large enough to have contacts all over the world.

I enjoy diving and if I can find a lady to share that with me then life is good, but until then I will team up with Moose or Sparky or one of the other many fine folks (male and female) I have met through here and have a good time. (Disclaimer: Diving with Moose or Sparky requires an intensive two day specialty course ahead of time... :-D )

Bottom line: Let's get people into wet suits... If someone invites me to take her out of hers then WooHoo... Until then, pass me an airline schedule and lets go diving...
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#42 DiverBabs


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Posted 27 July 2007 - 06:24 PM

I get a lot of professional advice that says I'm missing a huge opportunity to capitalize on the singles dating market. I get a lot of professional advice that says I need to showcase more beatiful women so I'll get more guys on the site (and while not inherently bad...getting more guys that is...getting the type of guys that those suggested picttures would attract might not be all its cracked up to be!) :birthday:

The truth is that what we are doing is working. ALL our trips are *singles* trips. We don't even average 1 married but buddyless diver per trip and since we run 1-2 trips a month that is a significant detail. We don't get into embroiled arguements about what *single* means and whether you can be on the site or not and we don't create an environment that is negative and there non-conducive to ANYONE wanting to get together and go diving!

And people focus on going diving...and having a great time...and well it *chemistry* happens...that is :birthday: too! :birthday:

IMHO, I'd hate to see SD change to target the singles "dating" market. Frankly, what I like most about this sight is that it's all about the diving. Not having to pay the single supplement for travel is a real draw too.

SD gives you a great opportunity to chat with and perhaps meet/travel with a lot folks that have a common interest. The members are a wealth of information and are very supportive of divers of all levels.

There are tons of "dating" sights out there.... I much prefer the "diving" site. :birthday: If you find *chemistry* that's just a bonus!
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#43 Houston Squid

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Posted 27 July 2007 - 07:19 PM

I would like us to add in that if adultery breaks out on a dive trip that we get to stone the culprits and throw them overboard. :bam:
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#44 AquaPup


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 12:45 AM

Bottom line: Let's get people into wet suits... If someone invites me to take her out of hers then WooHoo... Until then, pass me an airline schedule and lets go diving...

:lmao: I love it Shad!! Perfect way to put it...although I think you get extra "points" if you can instead get a wet wetsuit BACK on someone without stripping off their skin in the process!!

Also, I agree about the adultery aspect. If anyone is ever at a Single Divers event and notices someone who is taken sharking after someone, PLEASE alert them. Although there are some less ethical people out there, most single people don't actually want to be with cheaters, but we don't always know!!

As for the pup in my pic, it isn't actually mine...it was one of several "boatdogs" inhabiting the interconnected boats when I was in Havasu about 10 years ago (omg, is it THAT long?? ARRRGGGGHHHH). It was just the best pic I had showing my penchants for both swimsuits and canines.
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#45 shadragon


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Posted 22 August 2007 - 05:02 AM

:lmao: I love it Shad!! Perfect way to put it...although I think you get extra "points" if you can instead get a wet wetsuit BACK on someone without stripping off their skin in the process!!

As for the pup in my pic, it isn't actually mine...it was one of several "boatdogs" inhabiting the interconnected boats when I was in Havasu about 10 years ago (omg, is it THAT long?? ARRRGGGGHHHH). It was just the best pic I had showing my penchants for both swimsuits and canines.

I was referring to the shark pic actually, not the avatar. Although that is nice too... :P
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