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Tapatalk support?

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#1 JimG


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 06:13 AM

Has SD ever considered supporting access via Tapatalk? I use it on my Android phone for some some other forums, and it's pretty slick - makes it much easier to read the forum than trying to use the tiny mobile browser.

According to the Tapatalk website, they have a plug-in for IP Board 3.0.x, so not sure if it will work with the upgraded SD. It might be worth looking into, and would certainly make the site easier to access from a mobile device.

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Posted 15 October 2010 - 07:29 AM

I've been meaning to look at it but we have more pressing issues right now and since the new site works so well on my iPhone I haven't gotten to it yet. It's on my list of things to do. Hopefully, I can investigate it soon.

#3 WreckWench


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Posted 15 October 2010 - 08:17 AM

We have a host of things we can eventually support and I'm sure this will be one of them. Since ALL our cybergurus are volunteers (and AWESOME VOLUNTEERS AT THAT) we still have some back ground issues that need to be fixed first notably we still need to move the mail server to the new host provider and we are close to having the trip forms automated on the site which has been a biggie for me for a long time.

Thank you for the request and we will look at it as soon as we can! Still need to do some clean up after the upgrade and move we just finished. -ww

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#4 Dpadlew


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Posted 02 November 2015 - 11:12 AM

Any update on Tapatalk

#5 dive_sail_etc


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Posted 03 November 2015 - 10:44 AM

Hello Derek, yes if you use an iPhone or Mac we recommend installing the Tapatalk app to support the text editing feature when posting replies or creating new topics. However, since you posted here we would also dd that unless you encounter a problem with accessing any text edits on the Forums, just skip Tapatalk and leave your current configuration as is. You can alway install Tapatalk later if you do eventually encounter text edit problems. (Most commonly, users reported simply being unable to type text into the edit window.)


Any update on Tapatalk

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