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#1 WreckWench


    Founder? I didn't know we lost her!

  • Owner
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  • 54,575 posts
  • Location:FL SC & Dallas, TX
  • Gender:Female
  • Cert Level:DM & Technical certs
  • Logged Dives:5000+

Posted 05 October 2004 - 01:59 PM

To see a STEP BY STEP process using screen shots of how to upgrade or renew your membership please click HERE!
NOTE: Due to some housekeeping and forum realignment, this thread is in a protected forum and will no longer allow user comments. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. -ww


Single Divers.com is a membership organization. By joining Single Divers.com, you will have instant access to other single and buddyless divers, like yourself, who love diving and want to share the experience. Our unique standard free Membership gives you the opportunity to join in with other scuba-loving singles on fun, exciting, and economical dive trips and read and post on our Surface Interval Message Board while our low-cost $35 annual Premier Membership allows you to have the first opportunity to sign-up for limited availability Single Divers.com travel packages, receive discounts on trips, send private messages to other members, see member profiles as well as search our member databases and have full forum features such as extended mailbox size, photo gallery picture upload capability and other numerous benefits listed below. Professional Members in either diving or healthcare provide subject matter expertise to our community and can offer services to our members while being designated as such in our professional membership category. We welcome Diving Trade/Industry Members who are members of the diving industry who wish to offer our members their expertise as well as share product and service specials with our organization. We also welcome Business Members who are non-diving related who wish to offer our members their products and service specials in connection with our organization. Our special Charter Members help guide and shape the future of Single Divers.com and receive a custom email on the SingleDivers.com email platform.

Please choose the membership option that best fits you and WELCOME!!! We are glad to have you as part of our family!

PLUS as an added benefit your premier membership fees will be guaranteed back in savings to you when you take your first Singles trip with us! And you'll continue to receive $25 to $50 off every trip you take with Single Divers.com during your active membership period!

Standard Members receive for FREE:- The opportunity to join in with other scuba-loving singles on fun, exciting, and economical dive trips all over the world enjoying group and individual activities on dive trips specifically designed for single and buddyless divers. (Discounts are available on every trip for Premier members and above so consider upgrading for additional savings.)
- The ability to see who is going on a particular trip before signing up as well as interact with them before the trip via the Surface Interval Message Board.
- The ability to read and post on our Surface Interval Message Board.
- The ability to complete a non-commercial user profile so that other members can get to know you.
- The ability to post a user profile, profile picture and avatar, and view our photo galleries.

To become a BASIC or Standard Member, please use THIS LINK to generate your profile which is free. Don't forget to create a FUN DIVING RELATED screen name so we know who you are!

You can upgrade from a Standard Member to a Premium Member at any time by following these directions.

How to Upgrade or Renew a Membership Package:

1. Login to www.singledivers.com (you will know if you are logged in because you will see your screen name vs. "Welcome Guest"). Click on the Membership tab, it will be the farthest right of the tabs just below the SingleDivers.com logo.

2. Choose the desired Membership level from the options presented: Premier, Professional, Divers in Uniform, Business Member, etc. Then click the "Continue to select a payment method..." pushbutton at the bottom right of the page.

3. Payment may be via Paypal or the SingleDivers's Payment Gateway where payments via echeck or credit card are accepted. Select either method preferred and click the "Continue" pushbutton. You will be transferred to whichever secure payment website was selected.

4. Once transferred to the secure payment page of your choice you must follow ALL the prompts until either a) Paypal says your transaction is complete or b) you see an Electronic Remittance Ticket (confirmation number) if using the SD Payment Gateway. If paying via Paypal, your membership will be automatically upgraded to the level you chose. If paying via the SingleDivers's Payment Gateway there is up to a 24 hr lag as we still have to manually apply your membership upgrade to your account. (We are working to fully automate this but please bear with us as this is our preferred payment option.) Also please NOTE that if using the SD Payment Gateway you will see an Electronic Remittance Ticket AND a RED PAYMENT LINK that will return you to our website's payment gateway. This step is REQUIRED so you may enter the remittance payment information in order to complete the Membership Upgrade process.

5. There is a similar Membership upgrade directions topic that includes screen shots; please click this link to review if so desired. You may also contact our volunteer Angels or Charlies with any questions via email at angels@singledivers.com or charlies@singledivers.com.

Premier Members receive for a low annual fee of $25 ($35 after March 31, 2007):All benefits of the standard membership plus:
- Ability to send and receive private messages from other members, view user profiles and member databases
- First Access to single and buddyless dive vacation packages (often limited slot availability)
- All group discounts and credits where available when booking a trip with Single Divers.com travel professionals
- Be able to post pictures or attachements into your thread posts
- Travel, gear, and professional discounts from corporate sponsors
- Gear and travel giveaways as available from our corporate sponsors
- Discounts on dive training whenever available on trips
- Exclusive online Dive Trip Search engine access (coming soon)
- Enhanced Surface Interval Forum and message board features such as name change if desired, 500 stored message limit, capacity to send multiple messages at one time, ability to upload unlimited diving pictures in our picture galleries, ability to have your own private picture gallery, ability to upload photos in thread posts, view profiles of other members, non-commercial signature line (4 line maximum; competing website/URL links are prohibited; Website/URL links are only allowed for our Diving Trade/Industry Member), ability to send and read private messages via our system (pms) to and from other members and custom sizing of personal photos to fit avatar and photo upload dimensions
- Fully featured personal photo gallery for upload of your pictures...includes submission into a rotating master photo gallery that all can see on the site!
- FREE classified posting in our 'Swap and Shop'
- Plus UNLIMITED Membership discounts back on EVERY Trip you take with Single Divers.com! The more you dive with us...the MORE you save!

To become a PREMIER Member, please use THIS LINK to upgrade to Premier Member for $35 a year. Don't forget to include your screen name so we know who you are! We can not credit your membership without your screen name!

To Upgrade from Basic Member to Premier Member: - See directions above or at the end in purple.

Professional Membership will be offered to diving professionals such as Instructors and DiveMasters and other leaders in the Diving Community as well as Healthcare Professionals such as Nurses, Paramedics, Academic Researchers, Psychologists, Dentists, Chiropractors, Doctors and other members of the HealthCare Community for a annual partnership fee of $50:All benefits of the standard and premier memberships plus:
- The ability to have a special 'Professional' Designation under your user profile/screen name so that members will recognize you as a professional member of the diving or healthcare community.
- The ability to put your SD approved personal professional link in your signature line which shows under every post that you make.
- The ability to use your approved profile to either post your personal information and/or your professional information about yourself on the site. (Note this is not the same as our 'Trade' memberships which are for businesses in the dive industry. If you are a business this is not the right membership level for you.)
- The ability to create a special profile that will be featured in our "Professional Members" forum where you can offer your professional services (if applicable) to our members including any specials or discounts that you'd like to offer our members.
- The ability to contribute to a new featured 'professionals forum' in our regular e-newsletter which goes out to thousands of opt-in members.
- Other benefits and opportunities.

To become a Professional Member, please use THIS LINK or contact Kamala Shadduck at 214-350-7003 or via kamala@singledivers.com for more information.
Diving Trade/Industry Members will be limited to approved select members of the Diving Trade and Industry for an annual partnership contribution of $100 ($250 after March 31, 2007):All benefits of the standard and premier memberships plus:
- The ability to have a special 'Trade' or 'Industry' Designation under your user profile/screen name so that members will recognize you as members of the diving industry or trade and the opportunity to change your avatar to a non-personal photo related picture
- The ability to put your SD approved commercial link and marketing message in your signature line which shows under every post that you make.
- The ability to use your approved profile to either post your personal information and/or your professional information about yourself or your business on the site.
- The ability to create a special profile that will be featured in our "Members of the Diving Trade" forum where you can offer your goods and services to our members including any specials or discounts that you'd like to offer our members.
- The ability to have your own private forum where you can answer member questions about your product/service. (Note that these forums can not be shared and must only pertain to the business of the registered member.)
- The ability to sponsor one or more of our regular e-newsletter which goes out to thousands of opt-in members.
- Other benefits and opportunities.

To become a Trade Member, please use THIS LINK to register and contact Kamala Shadduck at 864-557-6079 or via kamala@singledivers.com for more information.
Business Members are approved members who wish to offer their non-diving services to our members for an annual partnership contribution of $100 ($250 after March 31, 2007):All benefits of the standard and premier memberships plus:
- The ability to have a special 'Business' Designation under your user profile/screen name so that members will recognize you as an SD.com friendly business partner.
- The ability to put your SD approved commercial link and marketing message in your signature line which shows under every post that you make.
- The ability to use your approved profile to either post your personal information and/or your professional information about yourself or your business on the site.
- The ability to create a special profile that will be featured in our "Business Partners" forum where you can offer your goods and services to our members including any specials or discounts that you'd like to offer our members.
- The ability to have your own private forum where you can answer member questions about your product/service. (Note that these forums can not be shared and must only pertain to the business of the registered member.)
- The ability to sponsor one or more of our regular e-newsletter which goes out to thousands of opt-in members.
- Other benefits and opportunities.
To become a Business Partner, please use THIS LINK and contact Kamala Shadduck at 864-557-6079 or via kamala@singledivers.com for more information.
Advertising: SingleDivers.com accepts limited advertising on the site, most of which is in a partnership format. Please contact kamala@singledivers.com for more information.
Charter Members will be limited to 100 select members for an annual leadership contribution of $250:All benefits of the standard and premier memberships plus:
- The opportunity to be an integral part of the developing leadership of Single Divers.com with critical input opportunities and future growth opportunities as Single Divers.com grows and needs additional talent.
- The opportunity to help financially support the successful launch and growth of Single Divers.com
- Voting and decision making input on future Single Divers.com trip destinations and dates as well as in other areas as needed.
- Ability to go on special FAM trips to explore new SD diving destinations at industry reduced rates and a fraction of the normal cost to do such a trip.
- Unique designation as a Charter Member and the opportunity to change your avatar to a non-personal photo related picture
- Plus a FREE SingleDivers.com limited edition t-shirt
- Plus FREE inclusion in our unique Diver to Diver network.
- Plus FREE SingleDivers.com business cards to facilitate telling others about SD.com
- Plus FREE email account YOURSCREENNAME@SingleDivers.com

To become a Charter Member, first contact wreckwench at kamala@singledivers.com and then use THIS LINK Don't forget to include your screen name so we know who you are! We can not credit your membership without your screen name!

How to Upgrade your Membership Level, Renew your Membership & Pay your membership dues:

1. Login to www.singledivers.com (you will know if you are logged in because you will see your screen name vs. "Welcome Guest"). Click on the Membership tab, it will be the farthest right of the tabs just below the SingleDivers.com logo.

2. Choose the desired Membership level from the options presented: Premier, Professional, Divers in Uniform, Business Member, etc. Then click the "Continue to select a payment method..." pushbutton at the bottom right of the page.

3. Payment may be via Paypal or the SingleDivers's Payment Gateway where payments via echeck or credit card are accepted. Select either method preferred and click the "Continue" pushbutton. You will be transferred to whichever secure payment website was selected.

4. Once transferred to the secure payment page of your choice you must follow ALL the prompts until either a) Paypal says your transaction is complete or b) you see an Electronic Remittance Ticket (confirmation number) if using the SD Payment Gateway. If paying via Paypal, your membership will be automatically upgraded to the level you chose. If paying via the SingleDivers's Payment Gateway there is up to a 24 hr lag as we still have to manually apply your membership upgrade to your account. (We are working to fully automate this but please bear with us as this is our preferred payment option.) Also please NOTE that if using the SD Payment Gateway you will see an Electronic Remittance Ticket AND a RED PAYMENT LINK that will return you to our website's payment gateway. This step is REQUIRED so you may enter the remittance payment information in order to complete the Membership Upgrade process.

5. There is a similar Membership upgrade directions topic that includes screen shots; please click this link to review if so desired. You may also contact our volunteer Angels or Charlies with any questions via email at angels@singledivers.com or charlies@singledivers.com.

We will post notification of receipt of your payment here. Thank you VERY much for your support!

Note: A quick reminder that SingleDivers.com is NOT a dating site...our hook ups are to tanks! We are a diving site for single and buddyless divers looking to go diving...have fun...meet others like us...and yes sometimes chemistry happens and we take neither credit nor blame. However since we are not a dating site nor is it our focus, please take a minute to review our site policies so that you don't inadvertently encounter problems.

Click here for Forum & Site polices.

SD Premier Member Group Trip Rebate Form:

Another benefit of being a premier member is getting $25 rebate on all SD Planned Group Trips. Please remit your rebate form within 30 days after the trip. Click here for the form. (You'll need the password to the forum which you'll be sent when you sign up for a trip. Or email trips@singledivers.com if you need the password.)

Attached Files

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
SD LEGACY/OLD/MANUAL Forms & Documents.... here !

Click here TO PAY for Merchandise, Membership, or Travel
"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

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