WARNING!!! IMPORTANT!!! PLEASE READ!!!For some reason SD's website or host is experiencing heavy loads and lag time. This lag time results in delays that make you think your post did not post. As a result you attempt to post/send again and when its all said and done...you have multiple posts or replies.
WARNING.... WARNING.... WARNING....ONLY Admins can delete duplicate posts or replies.
ONLY button you will find that says
DELETE... WILL DELETE THE ENTIRE CONVERSATION/PM. PM=CONVERSATION. If you have *tried* to delete the conversation it will ask you if you are sure you want to
"permanently leave the conversation"*... see picture below. The answer is NO. If you do you are also
DELETING THE PM and CAN NOT BE ADDED BACK TO IT. SO PLEASE DO NOT DELETE ANYTHING. We will delete any duplicate posts or replies you inadvertently make.
WARNING.... WARNING.... WARNING....If you do delete yourself from this conversation/pm we can not add you back. You will have to rely only on the main trip thread/topic or the Trip's Special Discussion forum to get important and vital trip updates.
(PLEASE set up email requests to the trip thread and/or special discussion threads so that you will get email notification that new information has been posted.)If you have ANY questions Please email admin@singledivers.com and/or check out our help forum
HERE. *ONLY admins can remove posts in the threads, so do not attempt to remove duplicate posts or replies and by all means stay away from the DELETE Button because all it does is permanently remove you from the conversation which = deleting the trip pm. Thank you for your attention to this very important message designed to help you have a better trip experience with SingleDivers.com!