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Is it safe to logon to an airport's wireless internet service?

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#1 WreckWench


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Posted 05 August 2016 - 11:39 AM

Is it safe to logon to an airport's wireless internet service?



I saw an interesting discussion on this question. They said....


What do you think???



  • Yes, it's okay to surf the web wirelessly, but think twice before entering personal information such as banking passwords or credit card numbers when connected wirelessly.
  • Open hotspots are also hotspots for hackers. Here’s how it works: though you think you’re logging on to the Internet through a legitimate wireless hotspot such as an airport’s, cafés or hotel’s complimentary Wi-Fi service, wireless hackers are creating look-alike networks to steal your information. The network’s name might be the same as the legitimate name or it might be different.
  • For example, when turning on your laptop at the airport you might be asked if you want to join the "Free Airport Wireless" network. It may be the real thing, or it may be a hacker’s network. If it’s the hackers, your laptop is an easy target.

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#2 Scubatooth


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Posted 06 August 2016 - 09:02 AM

For the most part if it's not a network I know I won't be doing any secure transactions over it.

If the airport advertises wifi and such then your pretty safe but always be careful as could expose your info/data.

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#3 Cajun Diver

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Posted 06 August 2016 - 03:42 PM

If you log on to an unsecured WiFi (those with no connection password) you should use a VPN to secure your connection.  Otherwise someone that is connected could be running software that can capture all of what you are transmitting and receiving.

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