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Website doesn't work

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#1 ScubaTex


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 08:41 AM

​I've been a 'member' of Dive Assure for the last 6 years, and have benefitted from the coverage I've purchased, but I'm now seeking another carrier for trip insurance. Let me tell you why I've come to this conclusion.


Their website doesn't work!!!​ - Why in the world, would a business, which relies on the internet and a website, for it's income, have a website that doesn't work??


​Let me give you a few specific examples: I've signed on, checked my past history of policies, and chosen an insurance package to purchase -


​#1 - I notice the birth date they show on the application is incorrect - it cannot be changed - I do a website search for 'my profile', 'policy history' w/o any results


​#2 - I try to 'sign off' - but there isn't a way to do so - I close the window, thinking when the connection is severed sign off will occur - when I return to the site through a search engine - I'm still signed in!!!


​#3 - Although I've indicated 'USA-English' - policy benefits are quoted in EUROS


If their website doesn't work - How can I trust them to be there for me if I have a dive emergency in Indonesia???


my 2 psi

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#2 Cmdr. Clownfish

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Posted 08 December 2016 - 09:42 AM

You scared me Bill, I thought you were going to take a dump on this site!!!


Its entirely possible that they were hacked.  Its also possible that YOUR browser/machine was hacked though you would probably be seeing that in other places as well.


If this continues, the most likely cause in my mind is either your machine was compromised OR they have a new high-end javascript driven website that isn't compatible with the latest browsers or possibly even well written.  I hate javascript driven websites for this very reason but they are all the rage now.  Thats all anybody wants now and they are more trouble than they are worth.  So yes their website may not work with your browser or possibly at all.  That is entirely possible depending on their framework and your browser.


#1 could easily be a javascript incompatibility with your browser.  They may have just upgraded and introduced the problem.

#2 closing the browser isn't sufficient.  You need to clear your cookies and website data as well.  Login tokens are generally saved in cookies but might be saved in session data on your browser.  They are similar but very different concepts and both are saved on your browser.

#3 sounds like something is awry on the server but depending on the code it could be javascript driven as well.  OR if its just text then they have quoted it in EUROS.


You might try updating to the latest version of your browser or try a different browser. 


Are you certain that you went to the DiveAssure site and not to an imposter trying to steal your information?  Did you respond to an email to get there?  Its entirely possible to be directed to a fraudulent site masquerading as a legitimate site to steal data.  This generally happens through email links but its possible that they were hacked and all requests for them are forwarded to a fraudulent site.  Check the domains very closely.

#3 AirHead


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 02:14 PM

I also had issues with the Dive Assure website not working about 6 months ago.  I ended up having to call them.  I did tell them that the website did not work for me.

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#4 WreckWench


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Posted 08 December 2016 - 03:47 PM

They are very customer responsive on the phone... 866-898-0921 and you can ask for Roy and tell him you are a SIngleDivers.com member and he is THRILLED to help you. But everyone is equally responsive.


I have sent an email to him and will invite him to respond in the forums directly!!!  Thank you, Kamala

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#5 ScubaTex


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 10:21 AM

You scared me Bill, I thought you were going to take a dump on this site!!!


Its entirely possible that they were hacked.  Its also possible that YOUR browser/machine was hacked though you would probably be seeing that in other places as well.


If this continues, the most likely cause in my mind is either your machine was compromised OR they have a new high-end javascript driven website that isn't compatible with the latest browsers or possibly even well written.  I hate javascript driven websites for this very reason but they are all the rage now.  Thats all anybody wants now and they are more trouble than they are worth.  So yes their website may not work with your browser or possibly at all.  That is entirely possible depending on their framework and your browser.


#1 could easily be a javascript incompatibility with your browser.  They may have just upgraded and introduced the problem.

#2 closing the browser isn't sufficient.  You need to clear your cookies and website data as well.  Login tokens are generally saved in cookies but might be saved in session data on your browser.  They are similar but very different concepts and both are saved on your browser.

#3 sounds like something is awry on the server but depending on the code it could be javascript driven as well.  OR if its just text then they have quoted it in EUROS.


You might try updating to the latest version of your browser or try a different browser. 


Are you certain that you went to the DiveAssure site and not to an imposter trying to steal your information?  Did you respond to an email to get there?  Its entirely possible to be directed to a fraudulent site masquerading as a legitimate site to steal data.  This generally happens through email links but its possible that they were hacked and all requests for them are forwarded to a fraudulent site.  Check the domains very closely.


​LOL - Scott, thank you for your input. I don't have any ongoing problems with SD, and certainly if I did dump on this site, I would not be surprised if the post was 'lost'. SD is Kamala's site, I'm grateful she doesn't market the data she collects. I'm slowly becoming anti- internet/technology. I'd classify it more as a rant, than a dump. I'll dump on technology in general, after I answer some of your concerns.


​The laptop I use is less then 6 months old [of course I don't know how long it was between manufacture and my purchase], so I don't believe there could be a problem of outdated software.


I'm very​ careful to only deal with 'official' websites and not 3rd party portals. This philosophy is extended to emails [& even phone calls] received from unknown parties. Emails from unknown sources are 'trash' w/o opening, phone calls, if no voicemail is left, the number gets 'blocked'.


​As far as having the last, greatest version of javascript, I have to assume the periodic updates I receive would include javascript. Isn't it the responsibility of the vendor to use software, including current and past versions, which will maximize sales?


​Now onward to the DUMP.

​In 1949,​ George Orwell published '1984', envisioning an all knowing/seeing 'Big Brother', in superpower governments. Today, the problem is governments are not the only ones generating powerful data bases. Now we have, Facebook, Google, ad infinitum. In fact, every​ internet/communication based software/app is based upon building a data base of information, where you go, what you own, who you associate with.

​Recently, a resolution of the United Nations, directed the consortium of US companies which manage internet standards, to turn over their responsibilities to a UN technical committee, run by the Chinese​. With the incidents of hacking on the increase, by a variety of those who just want to disrupt, steal, embarrass, etc., it's only a matter of time before the computer is turned into an instrument of war. Maybe, someone will try to take down the Iranian nuclear program, oops already tried/done[?].


​So don't be surprised, if one morning you wake up, in the dark, cold, your phone doesn't work, your car can't drive you anywhere, because the GPS system is down & it can't drive itself w/o it.


​I could go on, but I've got to pack for my next dive trip!!!



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#6 DiveAssure


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 11:12 AM

Good morning and Happy Holidays!


In response to the problem with the DiveAssure website - we will be happy to assist any member that encounters and problem. From the description on this thread, this sounds like it might be the results of 2 accounts for the same divers that needs to be merged together. Our system merges accounts automatically, however, in some rare cases the merging process does not go through. Of course, program information is available to our emergency response team at anytime, so in case of an emergency there will be no delay in providing the needed help.

Please feel free to contact us via phone or email and we are always happy to help. The customer service email address info.usa@diveassure.com is monitored 24/7/365.


We look forward to hearing from ScubaTex in order to solve the error with the website.


Thank you,

Roy, DiveAssure

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#7 WreckWench


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 01:30 PM

Thank you Roy for responding on behalf of Dive Assure!  :respect:


I can personally attest to DiveAssure BEING THERE WHEN YOU NEED THEM!!! In fact you want them on your team as their triage and incident resolution team GOES THE EXTRA MILE to assist even beyond what you expect or think is happening. I have several of these stories that I can share... call me at 864-557-6079 and I'd be happy to share them.


You will find DiveAssure in my personal wallet as well and worth every penny although they truly are not expensive for the first rate dive insurance offered by them.

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2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
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864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#8 WreckWench


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 01:33 PM

Bill I hope you reach out the them although I'm sure you have sent an email already as you are always proactive and would not post here if you had not communicated via regular channels.


This is a great opportunity to for us to remind people of how IMPORTANT DIVE INSURANCE IS as you know personally!


GET IT AND BE PREPARED!!!!  This is the Scuba Diver's Motto!!!! ;)

Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
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Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

#9 WreckWench


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Posted 09 December 2016 - 01:38 PM

p.s. As for dumping on this site... it would not be 'lost' but rather used as a way to fix the problems. We have a very dedicated group of volunteers to love SD as much as I do and we hope as much as our members. They work tirelessly to fix things that are broken or just could be better and even harder to figure out how to make things easier. Its not always lightening fast but its done with heart and I'll take 'heart' over speed any day! :thankyou:

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Contact me directly at Kamala@SingleDivers.com for your private or group travel needs or 864-557-6079 AND don't miss SD's 2018-2021 Trips! ....here! Most are once in a lifetime opportunities...don't miss the chance to go!!
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"Imitation is the sincerest flattery." - Gandhi
"Imitation is proof that originality is rare." - ScubaHawk
SingleDivers.com...often imitated...never duplicated!

Kamala Shadduck c/o SingleDivers.com LLC
2234 North Federal Hwy, #1010 Boca Raton, FL 33431
710 Dive Buddy Lane; Salem, SC 29676
864-557-6079 tel/celfone/office or tollfree fax 888-480-0906

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