Hey gang... we have a special treat for you on this trip that will help you SAVE MONEY and HAVE EXTRA FUN ...not to mention GET TO KNOW EVERYONE MUCH BETTER!!!
Our special happy hours are great op for learning about diving...meeting the other people on the trip and even saving some money on the cost of 'getting happy' if you pick up a bottle or two from duty free and mixers at the store before arriving to the resort.
You can also buy drinks from the resort as well as mixers... so as to keep them happy too! And the resort will be offering loads of entertainment each night which I will share soon as well. All in all you are in for an amazing week...lets get started!
We've been doing our annual trip CHEZ NEAL for over 14 years or so! Somewhere along the line we started our own private Happy Hours vs trying to fight a small, crowded and noisy bar. Chez Neal was named after one of the guys that hosted it for the first time and then every year after that for a number of years... aka Neal. The name stuck and we'd like to try it out in LITTLE CAYMAN since its worked so well in Bonaire where we did the first one!
How Does It Work?
1. We choose a location (the rooms by THE POOL OR A MEMBER'S ROOM or other) and we meet there after diving to socialize, have a drink and either wait for dinner if its an included meal OR decide where to go if its not an included meal. ALL OUR MEALS ARE INCLUDED but the snacks are not!!!
2 People bring the beverage of their choice as the ROOMS HAVE SMALL REFRIGERATORS IN THEM and/or buy booze at duty free and either leave it at Chez Neal or just bring it back and forth with then when they come hang out. BOOZE IS NOT REQUIRED and you can BRING ANY BEVERAGE OF YOUR CHOICE! (WE WILL HAVE OTHER BEVERAGES FROM The LOCAL STORE AVAILABLE AS WELL! AS GETTING BEVERAGES FROM THE BAR!)
3. People buy mixers and beer at the local store NEAR THE RESORT and usually we leave them in the refrigerators of the people who have the appointed Chez Neal rooms. (If we have no volunteers I will do it if my poor roomie does not kill me! Again you can bring them with you when you join the fun. THIS IS A GOOD THING TO DO SATURDAY OR WHATEVER YOUR DAY OF ARRIVAL IS ...SINCE MOST OF US CAN NOT DIVE!
4. If we have enough interest we can collect a few bucks from everyone i.e $5-10 and use this to buy cups, mixers, snacks, etc. for the Happy Hours. Again not mandatory but if it sounds like fun then this helps to make it all work out. And 5-10 bucks is very cheap but should help defray most of the costs for the week. Let's just say its a lot cheaper than the resort's bar. NOTE: THIS MAY NOT WORK AS WE HAVE PEOPLE ARRIVING AT SO MANY DIFFERENT TIMES.
What we need?
1. We need volunteers to HOST Chez Neal
2. We need volunteers to help get mixers, beer, cups, snacks
3. We need people to buy DUTY FREE BOOZE for themselves and maybe to share
4. We need people to bring snacks from home i.e nuts, party mixes etc as they are hard to get on the island
5. We need people willing to help clean up after Chez Neal and/or as we go to help keep the burden off the hosts and hostesses.
6. And we need people to PARTICIPATE!!!
VERY IMPORTANT NOTE..this is ONLY a social opportunity:
1. We are NOT a diving club with a drinking problem
2. We are NOT drinkers with a diving problem.
3. The first drink you have is the last dive of the day.
4. Chez Neal WILL close at a reasonable hour so that people can get plenty of sleep.
5. We invite EVERYONE to come by and hang out. Don't drink...no worries. Didn't buy a bottle at duty free? No problem THERE IS USUALLY TOO MUCH BOOZE THERE ANYWAY. Come by anyway and just hang out! AND any extra booze is given to the dive shop staff... YEP...they love us!
So who's game to join us? Please reply below!
- Kamala aka WreckWench (I will also host if no one volunteers to help. (Its a great way to meet other people and help the group out!)
- Ed aka Diver Ed...I will help by bringing WHISKEY and SNACKS and host if you need a host or multiple hosts.