What is this elusive quality in relationships known as "chemistry"? For me, it goes way beyond attraction, physical, emotional, or even romantic. It enables me to accept and to truly love someone fully, to accept their flaws as well as assets when it comes to "us". To want the best for that person, and stick by them through thick and thin. I see many of these qualities in my friendships as well, especially loyalty and wanting the best for them. But with chemistry, it goes deeper on a level that I can't even begin to describe, It nearly always takes time to develop for sure, but I know when it is and isn't there.
If I have "chemistry" with you, I can accept the imperfections in our relationship, In many cases, even be endeared to you because of them. It won't matter, as long as we are together. Your happiness will be my priority. But if I do not have "chemistry" with you, it simply won't matter how good looking you are, it won't matter how great your personality is, It won't even matter how many of the criteria you meet that I "think" I want in a partner. It will never work romantically between us.
Of all the men I have known throughout my life, I have had "chemistry" with far far fewer than 5% of you. Despite the fact that I may love some of you in the remaining 95% very deeply, it will always be platonic, and there is nothing either you or I can do to change that. No words of love, no gifts, no favors, no wooing, no begging will make a difference.
But for that rare few percent for which I do have "chemistry", it can be profound. If I should be so fortunate to meet one of you in that rare small fraction who has reciprocal feelings for me, I suspect that it will be a love story for the ages.