i think that would be a shame 101. Some of us, myself included, aren't well verses in comunicating in the medium of the written word. Not since my own inclusion into online forums have i seen enthusiasm like yours. I got into diving because i had your "zest", i got into these discussion forums for the same reason. I believe you should stick with it. I also feel we'd be less without the drive and passion that you and those like you bring to discussions.
I've quite alot more to say about how this determined attitude would also lend itself to finding that "perfect partner' but i'm having a flippin nightmare writing even this without getting cut off or even being able to edit the post! Where's my cursor. You never miss the little bugger till it's gone.....seriously...you try it!!!
Anyway, give it some time, finish the OW get a few dives under your belt and gimme a shout. I'll show you a nice tame Blue hole and we'll maby even get to scare some spring breakers down at Senor Frogs that evening!
Anyway, i'm looking back thru the post and seeing all the spelling mistakes that i not cant get back at, so i'll leave you with those thoughts.
Our humor is meant to be harmless. Laughing at yourself is also a skill that'll carry you far with the fairer sex.
P.S. you're on your own with them sqid tho!!
(P.P.S. AAAAaaaaarrrrggghh! i've just seen Verses...that's supposed to be versed! i'm definitley going now!)