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How is dating different in today's world? And does it vary by age?

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#16 WreckWench


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 02:24 PM


Kamala, that is funny. I think I was definitely all cookie in my 20's and have been morphing into broccoli slowly over time!


You know Broccoli is a Superfood!!




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#17 WreckWench


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Posted 18 May 2015 - 02:29 PM

Sex vs dating.... WOW!!! I am so out of it. Of course when I was dating I rarely had a lot of 2nd dates... why? Because I did not sleep with them. Some things NEVER CHANGE. However I would surmise that it may be more intense these days since women tend to me more willing to have sex on the first date and/or want to have it. At least it seems the younger ones do!


That being said... Gini I also had reached the point where I decided it was better to be single and moderately happy than married and miserable. And when I allowed things to evolve more organically as you suggest...I met the man who is now my husband. But people joke I had to start a non-hooking up single's site to do it! LOL!

Truthfully a number of people have met amazing friends and partners via our group. There is no pressure so when its right...its right! And we want to do more local events so there are even more chances to meet interesting people who all share one thing in common... they love diving!

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#18 little mermaid

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Posted 19 May 2015 - 06:56 AM

Joe love your comment :teeth: !!! That's why we dive with Kamala and friends!!!

#19 Gini


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 07:28 AM

Unfortunately I really AM a superfood! Well, there is still some cookie inside, but you have to wait 'til you've eaten your vegetables before you get your cookie.

Wow, that came out much more suggestive than I meant for it to.

But in a way it's true any way you put it!!!
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#20 MNJoe



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Posted 19 May 2015 - 08:33 AM

Unfortunately I really AM a superfood! Well, there is still some cookie inside, but you have to wait 'til you've eaten your vegetables before you get your cookie.

Wow, that came out much more suggestive than I meant for it to.

But in a way it's true any way you put it!!!



The ironic things is that is usually how I make sure I fulfill my obligations.

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#21 MNJoe



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Posted 19 May 2015 - 11:40 AM

I am not sure where all the young girls that like older guys and have sex on the first date are, but I wish I did.  I really do not believe there are many.


I may not be the right person to post here because I have been in a long relationship for quite some time, but because my girlfriend does not cook or dive, I tend to still keep a radar going.  I do not see much of a  possibility of meeting a diver where I live (and I like living here).  I see less opportunity to meet as many people as I did when I was younger, when I was young I was going out much more often, hanging out in bars that have bands, more social events in general, parties, weddings  ect..  I also would be looking for something much more specific than when I was younger, so that eliminates a lot of possibilities. I also believe people are more set in there ways the older they get, making it harder to compromise and relationships are all about compromise.  

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"just your average Joe from Minnesota, also known as Keith"

#22 Gini


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 12:01 PM

Joe, Dubai is chock full of 20-something women of all nationalities willing to do anything to bag an ex-pat of any age or physique. And the 45+ year old men here are not even tempted by any female over age 35...no matter how fit, sexy, wealthy or good looking. Why should they be, with so many juicy young morsels so ripe for the plucking?
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#23 WreckWench


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Posted 19 May 2015 - 02:51 PM

Minnesota ain't Dubai.... but if you ever decide to move Keith...seems like you know where to go! ;)

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#24 liveandletdive


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 10:51 AM

I don't think it varies too much by age but I think some things are different now than they used to be.  Texting was unheard of and I generally steer clear of texting dates.  I don't love it when men text me to plan dates.   I think it's lazy and shows a lack of effort.  I am not in the majority opinion here however.  


I think it is equally hard for men and women - even older guys who are dating younger women -  mostly because I think most people's priorities for partner-picking are pretty bad for finding a lasting partnership.   I say this because mine were very bad for a long time and I stayed in situations way too long.  


I wholeheartedly agree with folks who have said: do what you love.  When I'm not diving, I play bridge (card game) competitively and met my boyfriend at a party for a mutual friend.  It's not like playing bridge if you are 35 is a great way to meet potential dates: the average age of my club is something around 75 years old. But I love the game so I played a lot and made new friends and eventually met everyone who plays under the age of 45 since there are only 50 of us or so.  These friends in turn invited me to parties.   At that particular party, I wasn't even looking at the eligible men since I had just ended a year long relationship with another bridge player.**  But, there he was!   He's also a diver, a sailor, an Eagle Scout and generally awesome in every way for me.  


** I have to asterisk this because diving helped me let go of that relationship - I spent some time doing what I loved to do.  I went to Little Cayman weeks after that break up and came home from that trip completely refreshed and revitalized.  I think having passions can help bad situations be better, good situations be great and just generally make us all more exciting and interesting and full of gratitude.   It's a good way to live regardless of whether or not you want a partner.    

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#25 hnladue


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 11:44 AM

Having been single for way too long, I've tried many dating sites... Match and eharmony I got nothing.... Not one message, nothing!! Plenty of fish, I got plenty of messages but all the men (mostly 20 yrs younger!) wanted a hookup.... What the??? When did dating become about just sex??? So I tried OK Cupid.... I do get a few messages, a few from older men that we having nothing in common, but at least the dick pictures have stopped..... yes the men would send pictures of their dicks!!! again What the!!!! I guess I'm old... I just want someone to spend the rest of my life with that has the same interests..... also a lot of guys were turned off when I wouldn't give them my cell phone or private email.... it's called private for a reason and I didn't want creepers!!!

Sempar Partus!!

#26 Gini


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 01:14 PM

"Wow, that is one good looking dick, I'd love to meet the guy attached to it," said no woman ever!!!

I swear someday I'm going to publish a coffee table book of the unsolicited dick pics I've received.

Maybe it should be a pop-up book!
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#27 Lidja


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 06:30 PM

If you are really interested in how online dating works (or doesn't work, as the case may be), read Christian Rudder's "Dataclysm: Who We Think We Are When Nobody's Looking." It's a fascinating book written by the chief analytics officer of OKCupid. It's a quick read (very conversational) and shares all sorts of interesting insights.

Among other things, Rudder absolutely confirms the observation that older men are searching for younger women, and there's not much older women can do about that. After I read that, I wondered if I should even participate in that arena, since the odds are so long that I'd find anyone who would appreciate me for who I am in that milieu...

As luck would have it, though, there was a brave soul who had (after some failed relationships) learned more clearly what HE was looking for, and recognized some of those traIts in my profile just as I was getting off the site. He tracked me down and we hit it off. We are not "perfect for each other" in that fairytale 20-something way, but we are very good together and we respect our differences and give each other room to be true to who we are individually. This is a complexity in our relationship I would not have appreciated nor understood ten or twenty years ago. While I take care of myself and try to stay fit and attractive, I really appreciate that he always thanks me for being *smart* and *independent* rather than just pretty and sexy. That's unusual and I love him for it.

#28 Gini


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 07:41 PM

Good for you! And I'll look that book up.
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#29 dive_sail_etc


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Posted 20 May 2015 - 08:53 PM

"Wow, that is one good looking dick, I'd love to meet the guy attached to it," said no woman ever!!!
I swear someday I'm going to publish a coffee table book of the unsolicited dick pics I've received.
Maybe it should be a pop-up book!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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#30 MNJoe



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Posted 21 May 2015 - 04:40 AM

"Wow, that is one good looking dick, I'd love to meet the guy attached to it," said no woman ever!!!

I swear someday I'm going to publish a coffee table book of the unsolicited dick pics I've received.

Maybe it should be a pop-up book!



I cannot imagine anyone thinking that approach would work ever, but I have heard the same thing from some female friends of mine.


Of course it would have to be a pop-up book, also make sure it has a book cover!

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"just your average Joe from Minnesota, also known as Keith"

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